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Posts posted by RollerC

  1. I have a question and i'm not sure if its been answered before. This game looks pretty similar to Roller coaster Rampage:




    Are the same companies working on these games or is the old Hyper Rails game engine kinda like a freeware where other companies can modify it and tweak it to their liking?

  2. Many people have or are getting the new wave of smart phone or personal media device that allows custom apps to be installed on the device. Apple's iPhone/iPod Touch platform is by far the most successful, with over 100,000 apps available.

    But with that many apps, it's hard to find the really good ones. So that's what this thread is for. Recommend any good apps you have or have tried. This isn't limited to just Apple devices, if you have an Android phone, Blackberry, or any other device with an app store, feel free to recommend too!


    I'll get this started! Hope we get some really good contributions!



    Ping is a really good app for people with iPhones or iPod Touches who want to communicate without paying for text messages. It basically works like a text message program, or if you are familiar with Blackberry phones, the messenger on there. Simple and easy to use, and works over Wifi or the cellular data network (if you have an iPhone). A good way to send short messages for those who don't have a text plan!


    I wish that Andriod had something similar(I think GoogleTalk acts like that but I havent played with it yet).
  3. Yea this whole gay/bi thing sucks big time and I wish I wasnt. The kid I was currently talking to just all of a sudden stopped...things were going good and he wants nothing to do with me. Its worse cause he was a great friend and i'll miss that even more.


    I'm not sure what you mean by the first sentence, but the rest, I'm in that same position. Me and another guy who's only about 4 months older than me, we were really good friends. He called me every day, we hung out as much as possible. Things seemed really great between us. We were so different, yet we weren't afraid to show our differences, no matter how weird they were Lol jk. We had talked about if we wanted to step our relationship up a notch from 'friendship' to 'relationship' and we felt we should. We couldn't at the time because his stupid ex was exactly that, stupid. (You would think a college dude could be more mature but I guess not. Anyways, that's a different story.) We both had strong feelings for each other, and everything just felt right when I was around him. Then he virtually quit talking to me. I'd almost never get a call, and instead of the daily email he'd send to my phone to start our conversations, I stopped getting them. He sent a text maybe once every three weeks or so. This is all very recent. I'm not sure how to get over someone who I have strong feelings for. Now I have to get over a friend as well.

    I know. I never had feelings like about another dude so it's weird. Me and him have more in common than my ex girlfriend(hate her!!!!!!!) and everything was going well. I dont feel like I can replace him because everyone I meet I always compare them to him and then I can't do anything with them because its akward and dosen't feel right.
  4. Yea this whole gay/bi thing sucks big time and I wish I wasnt. The kid I was currently talking to just all of a sudden stopped...things were going good and he wants nothing to do with me. Its worse cause he was a great friend and i'll miss that even more.

  5. How do you guys except being gay? Im stuck in a pickle. I REALLY want to get married and have like the perfect wife and the perfect family(you know...two income household, a nice suburban house, a Mercedes Benz CLS)...but I can't help but find David Archuleta super super cute and his smile makes me melt. Am I having an identiy crisis.

  6. ^I'm assuming you mean cornabll express? How is that ride pointless?


    I believe he was talking about how CF added Cornhole, a crappy carnival game, to Geauga Lake.


    Son of Beast gets my vote for dumbest addition. Wooden coaster engineers have known for years the folly of building overly large woodies. And Kings Island goes and builds the mother of all kludges.


    Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.


    They could have used that same money to build a B&M hyper. This would have been infinitely more popular, would have given the park a true marquee coaster, and would not have mangled a train full of riders. And with 3 trains they would have a serious capacity machine, which is something the park needs. Waiting an hour to ride a rough, obsolete coaster like Vortex is not cool.

    Cornhole was supposed to be the answer to all of Geauga Lakes attendence.
  7. Okay, first I'd like to officially say that I send my thoughts out to the people affected by this. I know how important amusement parks are in most of our lives on this site, and I haven't experienced a park closing that I love, but I do know that it would be completely devastating.


    If Valleyfair (My Home Park) closed down, I would seriously die. It's basically my home and it's my favorite place in the world. If all of the rides there we relocated and people started talking about "Ohh! We call dibs on this ride!" I would get so infuriated.


    So in other words, I wish I could say it'll all be alright, but it probably won't. Something you GL fans just have to realize is that CF made this decision because they obviously thought that this would be best for the park, and even though all of you may not agree, and no matter how many petitions you start, you can save coasters, but IMO, I do not think you can save the park.

    Really, though I would love to be proven wrong. Best of luck to all GL fans.

    If Geauga Lake was in Florida or another hot southern state where it isn't sunny and 80 one day and 30 and snowing the other day...it would work.



    Honestly...by this time next year, we'll see most of Wildwater Kingdom sitting in Soak City's parking lot waiting to be assembled.

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