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Everything posted by Skysthelimit

  1. Hey guys, I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster on TPR. I've been playing the RCT Series since day one but I've never shared any of my parks so I thought I'd give it ago. Unfortunately I lost some of my best projects through the years due to bad computers but this is one of my most recent parks. Even though my computer doesn't lag with large parks, it does have a tendency to crash which I think is a result of me using too much CS. As a result, this particular park isn't as detailed as I'd like it to be. Everytime I make some progress on it, it crashes and I start over. It's 2 steps forward 1 step back. But anyways, I thought I'd share and I was hoping for some constructive criticism! More pictures to come. The park crashed while I was taking screenshots but here's some to get started. The Park: Located in northern Maine, Paradise Pier opened in 1978 as a small family-owned boardwalk amusement park. Among its first coasters were an Arrow Corkscrew and a Schwarzkopf Wildcat coaster. Both rides are defunct but the charm of this small park still remains; including its classic Carousel. 1997 saw the addition of "Tsunami" which was a huge hit among enthusiasts but because of improper planning forced the park into bankruptcy. The park sat dormant from 2000-2004 until 2005 when Six Flags purchased the park. Rather than completely rebrand the classic seaside amusement park, the chain decided to revive it to its former glory. With additions such as Updraft, a small, but intense B&M Floorless coaster, Power Surge, an S&S Combo Tower, and Firefly a Gerstlauer Spinning Mouse, business is better than ever. Pulling off the interstate into the beautiful new toll plaza - It looks like Updraft is making its morning test runs! It isn't too busy yet, but I'm sure it will pick up later in the day. After finding a decent parking spot, we head toward the entrance. Power Surge looms over the entire park. I bet it will be a great view of the ocean! Luckily we already have our tickets so we can head straight to the gate. Of course I have to stop for some coffee at Dunkin Donuts I'm glad that Six Flags has kept this little park beautiful. The gardens are immaculate! We'll have to stop at the Wizard's Castle Gift Boutique on the way out for some souvenirs. It's time to ride some coasters! First ride of the day! Luckily the Tsunami crew is pumping the trains out so it was only a 10 minute wait More pictures to come!
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