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Posts posted by LawlessBagel

  1. I'm pretty sure it was Great American Scream Machine. I vaguely remember my first visit to Great Adventure in 1993....oh crap its coming back to me as I type! I remember we first went to GASM but the friend I was with made some lame excuse for not wanting to ride it. So we then rode Rolling Thunder follow by....Runaway Mine Train so that was my first. we never did ride GASM that day we rode Batman which i remember having a really long and it broke down a lot. I don't believe it was until 1995 that I was taken to Great Adventure again. I finally got to ride GASM and i loved it until the last ride I took on it.


    I also could have been taken to Hershey Park first and it might have be Trailblazer, but I doubt it.

  2. Awesome to hear about Zumanjaro, after Lex at SFMM I knew it was only a matter of time before we had a drop ride added to our Intamin.


    Although couldn't they have given us just a little bit more time to get to go ride Rolling Thunder one last time. I'm in VA for the long weekend and I leave for West Coast Bash on Wednesday...I guess i'll go tonight and skip the Allentown Fair


    At least they gave us some warning at though...

  3. The trains look great and I think this is the first B&M train with 2-abreast seating (other than the Psyclone trains).


    The only problem is the 6' 1" height limit is very low. Now, I can't go on it, but there's better coasters in Japan.


    I agree and i might be able to squeeze under the height limit but it would be close. Although lets be honest here, 6' 1" isn't going to be much of a problem for the locals.

  4. Wow, some of the comments in this thread are amazing. I wonder if any of the family's who lost their loved ones think losing a coaster was a big deal?


    The title of the thread is "Hurricane Sandy vs. Roller Coasters" so we are talking about roller coasters (and amusement parks). I don't think it really need to be said that everyone is first or foremost thinking about the loss of life (39 people reported so far) that has occurred.

    How about you NOT be rude and obnoxious towards one of our moderators if you want to continue posting to our forums?




    That wasn't my intent in anyway. I posted my opinion of the damages that have occurred above without mentioning the lost of life that has occurred and I didn't want to sound insensitive to what matters more. I'll tone it down it the future Robb.

  5. Wow, some of the comments in this thread are amazing. I wonder if any of the family's who lost their loved ones think losing a coaster was a big deal?


    The title of the thread is "Hurricane Sandy vs. Roller Coasters" so we are talking about roller coasters (and amusement parks). I don't think it really need to be said that everyone is first or foremost thinking about the loss of life (39 people reported so far) that has occurred.

  6. Looks like Jane's Carousel is fine, thank god. Jane spent 27 years restoring the carousel it would be a shame after only one year operating if it got ruined.





    It a shame for Casino Pier and Funtown Pier, regardless of the quality of the rides that have been lost. These are businesses and regardless of how much insurance pays them they will have a lot of work ahead of themselves to open next year and it will come at a cost.


    It look like Mighty Mouse might be a loss and that would suck with Adventure City getting rid Treetop Racers that we will be down to only two Miller Mouses remaining.


    I have to ask about Star Jet though. Did the ride not age well because when I rode it in it's second year it was really good, intense and smooth.

  7. It's funny - when I first heard about a "multi-launched" coaster on the side of the hill where Log Jammer used to be, I honestly pictured something pretty much like what Projekt Helix turned out to be. And having been to Liseberg, the side of the hill they are putting that ride on is VERY similar, sans the tunnel, and I would have rather seen a ride like that be installed at SFMM. Oh, well....


    I agree you Robb. I don't think Full Throttle will be terrible, but nothing about it really stands out. The reverse launch seems pointless to me and the maximum theoretical capacity per hour is absurd for SFMM. I honestly think with as many coasters as they have, that it will become more difficult for them to build a ride that really stand out to enthusiasts and even the GP. I think they should have done something simple, like breaking the record for most inversions. That stands out and is easy to market.


    Projekt Helix looks like a twisted mess of fun. Full Throttle look like a simple out and back that has a big loop and its largest drop going straight into the brakes. What a waste of potential.

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