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Everything posted by Jetmech

  1. What the hell is that? Had to be a typo for humane control... It's pretty good money too. A couple of Border Collies, some fake dog decoys a couple of times a week and you're done.
  2. I didn't feel it was foceless or rough at all. I like the layout with the inclined loop and two CS's.
  3. I think the relocation of Chang was a smart move by SF's as it compliments there roller coaster collection. A standup was rumored for years after Shockwave's short stay.
  4. That is what I figured it was the MCBR that was the changed and not additional trims. It must have been a pretty sick second half since the first half is awesome. Still may be my favorite inverted although the Dragons & Montu are right up there as well..
  5. Hi, question regarding Alpengeist. I rode it I believe early 2000's and became a favorite of mine. I recall reading additional trims were added at the point. Is this correct? If so from riders who rode it pre trims did it effect the overall experience? Thx
  6. Lucky I experienced it during coaster celebration, it's first year with lap bars. It was a blast especially in reverse. If I had a choice I would take B&RTC over KK any day.
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