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  1. Hi Bumping this up! I am hoping to go to INDIANA BEACH tomorrow - would I be able to apply any discounts if I joined ClubTPR today? And can you confirm if the discounts apply to both daily and/or season tickets? Thanks !!!!
  2. Ug. Spell check on the mobile ! DEBATING. Great America vs IB
  3. Dealing between six flags great Merica (Chicago) and Indiana Beach
  4. If I purchase a membership, is it instantly available or do I have to wait for the card to arrive via snail mail? (I'm planning a Wednesday trip for this week and would purchase it with the hopes of using the discount right away)
  5. Hello! Brand new here !! Found you in a search for adventure point at IB info - I've been going to IB my entire life and I enjoyed the step back in time that it provided - esp when my kids were really small. It's always been a manageable and affordable park for young families, and I liked that it was charming and laid back. I am all for restroom updates and things like that - but I am verrrrrry displeased with the YoYo moving, as well as the falling star. The ropes course and zip line would have been more fitting for the back side where they moved everything else to. If they wanted the zip line to go over the lake - couldn't they have found a way over by the Air Crow somehow? Just very disappointed in that move. On another note, can someone tell me how I find out about what exactly the discounts are for Indiana Beach and for Six Flags Great America with a Club TPR membership? I can't find any specifics. Thanks!!
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