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Posts posted by Schotcher

  1. The boarding cards are a bit strange, did they say that was going to be permanent?


    I also worry about people placing lighter items like hats directly under the ride. Big drop towers create a lot of downward/outward wind and it could blow stuff all over the place. But I guess as long as the stuff stayed within the ride area, it wouldn't matter. Just glad to see it's finally up and running.


    I asked one of the workers who was handing out cards. He said it was working well so far, and if it continues to work well it will become permanent.

  2. Just another crazy thought. What if 5 yrs from now they build the first 400ft b&m and they become known as a speciality park for this type of experience. Imagine someone coming to the park and starting with behemoth and working their way up to leviathan and then __________. That would be pretty unique in itself by having a trio of similar but increasing in intensity rides. The similarity is in essence what makes it unique. No other park could offer this experience.


    Would run out of both land and money.

  3. A 75-second climb for a two-second drop? Seems quite disproportionate. Drop Zone gives me a 30-second climb and a full five seconds of dropping.


    Hopefully the shaking and the music features make this thing good.


    Music is like Pompeii, it cuts out when reached to the top like when a CD is scratched. The shaking is more like vibrating, but the I think it adds a punch to the drop. The cycle is very efficient but as I said before sometimes they let people off the ride and you have reset your harness, which gets annoying if it happens more than once (it does). They hand out tickets at the turntable, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. You stand in the same color square as the color of your card (It's like a Four Square box) and direct you to the section of the car to sit in. Very fast, a bit odd, but it works. And the Ejector Air is all worth it. If the brakes didn't start where they do, I don't think a lot of people could handle it. Very unsettling at the bottom of the drop.


    On a different note, Oktoberfest really ruined my day. The new buildings really ruin the beauty of everything and make it all fake and cartoony. Also, anyone else notice Griffon's efficiency has really gone down? Or was that just me?


    Oh and edit: I think the Ejector air depends on weight. The lighter you are, the more air you get!

  4. Yeah, BGW wanted to go with B&M like BGT, but I think B&M decided it was too much for them at the time. They were still pretty small back then and Kumba was easily the largest project they had ever done back at that point.


    Yeah they couldn't take 2 projects cause they were so busy so they chose to give the Beemer to BGT. BGW got Drachen, which was replaced by AC.

  5. Opening was AMAZING! Line was no longer than 10 minutes. And they have a very efficient way of loading riders on. Though there were some delays (A lot of people got off after harnesses were locked, which means they had to reset the harnesses), the view was amazing. The drop itself was amazing. The seats shake a little and it stops for a split second and then you drop. Amazing Airtime (Obviously). Great ride. Definetley something to try next time you're there.

  6. Erm...looks like the only difference between Leviathan and Behemoth is Behemoth is out and back and Leviathan is a twister. Well at least we know it's not exactly the same. I mean seeing as Leviathan is going to be so much bigger than Behemoth I mean obviously it'll have more trims. Hehehe...ohhhh wait-

    Trains are the same, Lap Bars (Probably no inversions). Erm Overbanked curves For The Win though(?)

  7. And so it begins...


    I don't personally care. I'm saying that on behalf of the park. With all the hype the park's put into this ride it'll be a heartbreaker to see the new coaster become a let down and not boost attendance.


    It's also a huge risk for CW to become B&Ms guinea pig. What makes a giga a giga is usually it's intensity (am I wrong?). B&M hasn't been known for it's intensity, so B&M will have to step up it's game to compete with Intamin.

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