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Posts posted by MSLSM

  1. When I was at SFGAM, these parents draged their kid on to Whizzer. I couldn't understand what they were saying(sounded either Polish or German), but their daughter was screaming and everything. The parents were trying to keep her quiet, but everyone in the area was looking at them. The kid finally got on the ride and she seemed to enjoy it. However, she had a "I won't tell them I liked it" kind of attitude.


    The ride ops were great though, and they sent the train when she was ready. They seemed to keep an eye on the train(from what I saw, but I'm not sure as I wound up in the car behind them.), but I still can't believe the parents made such a big deal over a coaster.

  2. I'm sure I heard that the Zoo across the street was buying it, guess not.

    Yeah, that's what I though too. Oh well. While it's always sad to lose a park, seriously, did any "enthusaists" really go to this place on a regular basis? It looked more like a "water park with a few rides...."


    I can't even tell you how many times I passed right by this park without stopping. It was just always like "Meh, I don't need a kiddie woodie credit that bad...."


    Hopefully if they had any decent slides they'll go to another good water park!




    Yet a park with a dragon coaster is worth a stop?


    I also thought that this park would be saved, but it was just a water park to me. However, it looked like a nice family attraction, so it's sad to see it close.

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