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Coaster Mike

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About Coaster Mike

  • Birthday 06/16/1990

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  1. Thank you all; I greatly appreciate the comments! I have the download ready in the game exchange: http://www.themeparkreview.com/game_exchange/track.php?id=2330
  2. I've just put the finishing touches on Black Falcon. As I said before this ride was hand-built in every way including support work. I started with auto supports and completely modified the existing supports as well as adding realistic bracing and structure. I also fixed overlapping auto supports and reorganized them in a realistic fashion. I went for a GCI type of feel, though I definitely wanted it to be something unique. The 'layered' effect of the overlapping tunnels was the idea I built off of; I wanted a coaster that took advantage of vertical space as efficiently as possible while diving in and out of those spaces intermittently. I'll have a download up shortly, but for now check out the POV video and some screens: POV VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2ngmlFjhVI Stats: Height: 125" Length: 4,834" Top Speed: 57 mph Train Count: 5 Maximum Rider Capacity: 1,350 per hour Estimated Cost: $12 million USD SCREENS:
  3. I started this project about a year ago and it has changed form and concept several times. Originally I was going for a vintage woodie feel, but I changed the entire layout to go for something more modern and a bit of a GCI jive to it. The entire ride started with auto-supports and I have completely altered every support node and beam on this ride. I've added more realistic bracing and re-organized many of the supports (for any overlapping track auto-supports usually are doubled up unnecessarily and end up a mess, I've fixed that here). I've put quite a considerable amount of time into this ride, namely the supports. I still have some tweaking to do, but for now I have some teasers
  4. This one's a beauty for sure. It's hard to imagine the speeds at which the trains will be ripping around the course, should look spectacular.
  5. Where can I download this? In all seriousness, looking great!
  6. ^I won that round of the contest, and thank you! I plan on doing a bit of 3D work for this one, keep an eye out for another update!
  7. I designed Crótalo (Spanish for "rattlesnake") for a NL competition over at Rc Pro, thought I might share it. (The screens below still have the parameter box built around the ride.) Essentially we had to build a Euro-Fighter with custom supports, hand built track (no tools), and within a 200x200x50" box with one element allowed to pass above the box to 65". Stats: Height: 65" Length: 2,743" Inversions: 4 - 48" Zero G Roll - 50" Cutback - 50" Immelmann - 47" Zero G Roll Top Speed: 45 mph Launches: 3 LSM Maximum G force: 5 vertical I went for a pretty unique design, a bit inspired by Wicked at Lagoon. It's definitely the most compact and space efficient ride I've designed, which makes for some pretty gut wrenching maneuvers and head choppers along the way. I've attached a POV music video, screenshots, and the download is below: MOD EDIT: Upload the ride here: http://www.themeparkreview.com/game_exchange/track.php?id=1571 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-avuNpLZSE Screens: Crótalo (by Michael).nltrack.zip
  8. This is beyond epic. Honestly even an enthusiast who knows how this coaster works and how safe it will be, this looks terrifying. God I've got to get out to Texas next summer!
  9. Haha, thanks! I've got the first teaser video done a little ahead of schedule, enjoy! You can also click the video to link to the HD version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S612S12f2jI
  10. I've got a few more teasers before I reveal the layout of Taurus sometime next week. Expect a teaser video within the next couple days! Teasers:
  11. As of now the track is completely done, but I've got a ways to go on the supports. Like I said I'm not a big fan of releasing anything unfinished, so it could be a week or so before a big reveal of the layout. I'm still working hard on the support work, and I work at a slow pace because I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Thanks for all of the comments though! I really appreciate feedback like that, definitely keeps me motivated Tonight I'm releasing another set of teasers, but until then I'll leave you guys with a few statistics and design elements in Taurus: - Length: 5,400+ ft - Max Height: 118 ft - Inversions: 7 - Trains: 4 cars per train, 2 rows of 2 riders for a total of 16 passengers per train. 5 trains with a total of 80 passengers on the ride at once. - A large variety of inversions and track elements, a few examples include a Horseshoe Roll, Norwegian Loop, Stengel Dives, Sea Serpent, over-banked turns, multiple LSM launches, and over a dozen dueling sections throughout the ride.
  12. I've got a few more teasers for you before I release anything substantial. I'm about 50-60% complete with Taurus, but I want to get to at least 75% before I release anything revealing; I don't like showing off highly unfinished areas of rides. Expect a large reveal very soon. This weekend I will release the last set of teasers and a teaser video all in preparation for the first reveal. For now, enjoy a couple screens: If I have you scratching your head, my job is done!
  13. Since they are tagging "2" onto the end of the title I think it will be approached as an entirely new game. I would say it's safe to assume this will cost money; my bet is in the $30-50 range, considering the first version is currently only $30.
  14. Pants. Shat. Those tunnels look really really nice, can't wait to see what other features they add. I'm stunned by the detail in this, and even more so that we can play with Dive Machines now
  15. There won't be any scenery on Taurus. I've never been into doing 3D work in No Limits, I wish I had the skills to do that. I should have an update ready tomorrow, expect a teaser video shortly following.
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