For those that live in Southern Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, heck, most of the north east US, there are now three 300+ foot coasters in your backyard. Not to mention the likes of TTD and Kingda Ka. Four Giga coasters in the world, and the North Eastern part of North America holds the monopoly.
If you were to tell me four years ago when they announced Behemoth that wonderland would be getting a ride like Leviathan, I would have laughed. Well HA!
Having grown up with this as my home park, I can say this ride will be well loved, at the least by me. Everything has its fair share of haters, they have their opinions and that's that. Living in Windsor/Detroit, I am two hours away from Cedar Point, three from Wonderland, and ten from Kings Dominion. Three Giga coasters within driving distance. I think that's a pretty decent thing, as a coaster nut.
The way I see it. With the economy tanking, and so much crap going on in the world, Im just happy that things like this are still being built so I have a place to go escape from all the crap. Heres looking forward to next may!
Funniest thing Ive seen for a while. This is my new ringtone.