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Posts posted by Hayzle

  1. Honestly while I will be happy that Great Adventure will be getting a new coaster (apparently) this year, I think what this park needs most is fully themed areas with one or two coasters and flats. This is what I feel Six Flags could best spend their money on. The Golden Kingdom is very nice theming for a six flags park, but it has a major lack of rides. Plaza Del Carnival is missing flats but is also well done. If they revamped Rolling Thunder, re opened Tango and found a spot for one more flat, this would hands down be the best area of the park. The Frontier area needs a new giant teepee, a flat or two and a general spruce up and addition of more themeing. Movie town should be expanded into the Old Country and become a fully themed gotham city. Re-open the Batman Stunt Arena, open a new coaster and open the flats. Put the "5d" attraction in the old chiller station. Then take the kiddy rides next to Congo Rapids and move them near the treasure train and open a pirate themed kiddie area there. That would fill a very empty area (in terms of rides) and then the newly opened up land, Nitro, and congo rapids could be re-themed creating a new thrill type area that would flow and include two rides that really have no theme. Plus an intamin mega-lite could have it's station in that area and run on the land behind rides like skull mountain. There is a sliver of land back there that could be used very nicely (similar to goliath in Belgium). What do you think?

  2. I can't believe it's finally official I am so excited for this ride to leave. Even though great adventure has 13 coasters only six of them are really enjoyable rides. Rolling Thunder could be good if they took care of it. If they get a ride to replace scream machine and GCI revamps Rolling Thunder that would bring them up to eight which would help mightily with the lines. The lines on the good rides here are so long because there is very little between the big rides and The Dark Knight for people to ride and enjoy.

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