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Posts posted by vacoaster09

  1. I am in town for a couple of hours tomorrow and was going to try to grab a couple hours in the park before heading to the airport. What is the rain policy? Do they shut everything down or let it run in the rain? Also anybody know how well the buses stay on schedule? Trying to maximize my time in the park but want some cushion if the buses run late all the time. Need to be at the airport by 2. I have never been to the park but I know the reputation. Any advice for less than 2 hours in the park.


    I assume you will be heading to the park for opening. Take a bus that will get you there before 10:30 that way you have time to walk to the front gate. (Not to far but you looking at a 10 minute walk) from the entry way to the front gate. You will likely be riding with a bunch of Six Flags employees who also use the bus to get to work. Remember this 10 minute walk when you are leaving so that you give yourself plenty of time to not miss your bus. I guess if you do you can always take a cab to the largo town center metro stop.


    All the rides will likely be a walk on at opening.

  2. Mach Tower did, indeed, have music and "vibrating" seats. They still play holiday music during Christmas Town, when the park operates the ride as an observation tower. But the vibrating seats were an annoying, unreliable gimmick, which didn't really add anything to the ride (except for a rather loud "fart" sound that you could hear all over Octoberfest).


    Although there is a water effect at the end of DarKastle, it isn't King Ludwig "spitting" on you. He's been turned to solid ice, and the water is supposed to represent ice crystals when his body "explodes."


    The wine tastings are very nice. I'm glad you enjoyed your day.



    Ahhhh... well then yeah if the vibrating seats on Mach Tower weren't anything special then I guess the effect is not missed. The ride actually dropped faster than it appears in videos. It was ok for a drop tower ... I'll give it that.. but those seats were not comfortable... and the harness pinched my arms... I could hold my arms up like i would on other drop rides.


    Thanks for clearing up that King Ludwig did not spit on me.... I was about to hold a grudge against him. I was like how is he going to invite me into his home and then spit on me for leaving LOL!


    I can't wait to ride Griffon again... when i rode Verbolten I kept getting the Wolf story line.

  3. Went to BGW this past Sunday. My first time back to the park in 15 years! I had a blast! Rode my first Dive Coaster, Griffon.... and I am a fan! The operators were great. They were excited and interacted with us. The forces and power in the drops were awesome. I didn't have high expectations for Verbolten... but it definitely gave me overall the best experience. It is just full of laughs, giggles, and good times. I enjoyed the theme and I was too busy having fun to worry about the unfinished look of the building. Ride looked great. It was the only ride to jolt me a little however that concern subsided quickly. Mach Tower ran all day. The seats were uncomfortable to me... the view was great but I thought I read the ride carriage was supposed to vibrate and play music. Neither happened.


    Apollos Chariot was great! Definitely still one my favorite B&M hypers, if not my favorite (still deciding). Not happy that the operator never said enjoy your ride or engaged us riders. He didn't say anything actually ... just dispatched the train without any added hype or excitement. Alpengeist was full of nostalgia for me... and this was the ride that turned me from a chicken into an all out fearless coaster riders back in the 90s. I forgot how snappy and fast the cobra roll was. I loved all of it! The Operator at this ride was on the phone the entire time and likewise didn't really care to engage us riders. Just kept on in her conversation on the phone and dispatched. I have to give BGW total praise and kudos for maintaining Lochness the way they have. The ride was smooth as butter. It shows that BGW is doing something right that most parks are doing wrong. Nessie runs great!


    Curse of Darkastle was.... just... OK. The ride fell short somewhere for me. Maybe it was because I couldn't get into the theme due the fact that the attendants and operators were being un professional on the speaker and killing the pre show. Also, I am still trying to figure out if I was spit on at the end of the ride. The final scene made it appear as if the dude spits on you. Ughh! A girl was crying her eyes out as we exited the ride... I think she felt offended by being spit on as well lol


    I think overall, I was just shocked at all how quiet all the coasters seemed. The coasters didn't drown out conversations or the ambient music. I love plethora of trees... it really helps keep you invested in the surrounding theme of each country. Definitely still the most beautiful park in my opinion. Having journeyed over by Apollos Chariot... I can say that another coaster in that area is definitely welcomed in my opinion. I have no problem with them adding a Premier clone. More coasters are fine with me. Plus it gives something else thrilling to do in that section of the park.


    I absolutely loved the wine tastings, the beer, and the ride on the Ferry. I have to personally say the captains on the ferries were an absolute joy to interact with. They were awesome and really added to the day. In general, I think I think it was the operations outside of the rides that really solidified this visit.,... From the parking lot trams, food and beverage vendors, to the retail vendors. The workers on the midway seemed very enthusiastic and more than willing to help... Whereas the ride operations (aside from Griffon, Verbolten, Mach Tower, and the Ferries) seemed to care less about engaging guest and more focused on the chatter among themselves, on the phone, or just didn't care).


    I look forward to visiting again..


    *Sings*: "Auf Wiedersehennnnnnnnnnnnnn"

  4. I've seen it take a while to dispatch Batwing... but its definitely not a consistent thing... and when I've seen it... usually it is because of something is causing a delay (i.e. people pulling down the lap bar after being told not to, or someone deciding that they want to get off, or dealing with people who are trying to near un secured items on and then having to place them in the bins).

  5. My daughter and I just joined TPR today after meeting 2 members in line for the Banshee yesterday. My husband and I took her as a surprise right after school; and it was the very first time we went on opening day. I hadn't seen it that crowded in years.


    My dream was to become a roller coaster enthusiast when I retired, and our new found friends showed us we could be enthusiasts now. I want to say we met Brandon or Bradley (I can't recall the exact name) from West Virginia. We rode the Banshee 2x with him and learned a lot about TPR. We are so excited to be on here.


    King's Island is only 1 1/2 hours away from Indianapolis; so we have a season pass this year and plan to go a lot more.


    We introduced Nicole to roller coasters at a very young age and she has always wanted to ride anything she is tall enough to ride. I'm so grateful to have a daughter that loves to ride them as much as me.


    We plan to go to Universal Islands of Adventure again later this year; and definitely as many more places as possible.


    Great pic's of the Beast. I must say, that last year was the 1st time I was afraid to ride it after 31 years (I rode it 1st at 8 years old). It really sounds bad, I must say. I can't help but still call it my favorite, though.




    So awesome... so glad to have you here at TPR... and what an awesome way to find your way to TPR!

  6. I really wonder why they chose to remove the old rides to build volcano. The coaster is great and all, it just seems odd to remove what sounds like an excellently themed area with several rides... and toss an ugly (sorry, but it's hard to argue with me) coaster on top of the mountain left behind. I guess in those days it just made sense to squeeze in a new coaster. Shame I wasn't able to experience it before the transformation.


    I'm itching to get back to KD, I love what they did to spruce up the place.


    Such is why I hope KD continues with restoring the nostalgia... I think this new ride tech going into Wonder Mountain at CW would be a great fit for Volcano. I'm sure there is room to put a dark ride back into the mountain.

  7. ^Did Goliath actually get those Premier trains? Because I remember hearing that it was going to get them but then I do not remember it getting them for real.


    Goliath (SFNE) will have the new trains this season. The park didn't get enough time to test the ride with the new trains last season (rumored to be because of the hastily decision to remove Catapult)... I believe they started the testing once the park was already open and still had a lot to troubleshoot... it was getting into the full time operating season so they must've decided to postpone the new trains for this season. From everything I have been following on SFNEonline, the new trains will be on the ride this season.


    Back to the idea of a revamp/re-theme I could see that as a possibility. Battlestar Gallactica sounds cool but I honestly know nothing about the theme or its following. I think they would have better luck incorporating the Space Fantasy (from USJ) theme into this ride or even giving it a Back to the Future theme or even Terminator! (Red side could be the resistance, the blue side could be the cyborg aka SkyNet)... they of course would then need to incorporate fire effects lol!

  8. The article claims to know the reason why the ride was closed... how would the they know (claiming it was the ride seat post that was cracking)... I would think USS would get a different manufacturer to re-do the trains than to spend all the money to take down the ride. I think Premier would've been a great candidate since they recently made new trains for Goliath (another Vekoma coaster).

  9. It would be great to have another coaster in IOA... wonder if an indoor kong themed coaster would be a possibility. Originally, I thought the Jurassic Park expansion was going to be an amber mine coaster using the Gravity Group splinter concept based on rumors. The latest things I read now make it sound similar to Kong 360 3D... but that building looks huge (unless there are going to be multiple theaters within it).

  10. ^Maybe. But I thought they would take care of the dive loop first.


    It would make sense that the lift is the next to go up (even though the dive loop is not finished).... There's a lot of work that has to be done on the lift (like installing the chain, motor, sensors, speakers, and getting all the wiring done) that doesn't have to be done on the dive loop (aside from sensors, if any).

  11. A few months ago Rob was very excited about the new 4d - free spin prototype from S&S.


    Could this be the first park to install one!


    If not,


    Then I can only imagine that this is finally a NEW Vekoma Tilt Coaster (since vertical max was built back in 2002) this could be the first one to be built in over a decade!


    I am really learning towards my second guess.

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