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Posts posted by ericm95

  1. Wow. The buildings look great. I want to see more of Barracuda, it looks cool.


    And I Seriously wish this was real. Like, insanely. It would only be 20 minutes from my house. AHHHH.

    Oh, and if this were on Mountain View dr, the ZIP would be 80908. But thats being extremely nitpicky.

    Thanks! Glad you like the park. Well, at least you have Elitchs


    Season 4/Seaside Village opening


    The archway welcoming you to seaside village


    There is actually an octopus ride inside the building


    A really good seafood restaurant.


    Another restaurant.


    Seabreeze Swings que house


    People on Riptide. Apparently in RCT3 this ride has a high nausea rating and makes like 5 people barf when they get off.


    Seabreeze Swings and Riptide across the pond


    Ready for a lot of Barracuda photos?


    Train roaring down the first drop


    Airtime goodness


    The MCBR doesn't really slow the ride down


    Barracuda from the swan boats


    To finish off showing the new area here's a skyline shot of it. Now onto the rest of the park...


    Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.


    Ow my back hurts just looking at it. They really need to fix how rough this ride has gotten


    Can't forget about disko. This ride gets really long lines for some odd reason


    Skyline of the older side of the park.


    And to end this large update an updated overview. There are already rumors that Seaside Village is going to get expanded maybe over the pond. Comments and criticism are welcome!

  2. Best:

    Manta- Love that splashdown effect

    Tatsu- Gotta love high helixes

    Goliath- Intense helix

    Batman clones- Fast corkscrew and turn=intense!

    Goldrusher- The helix and hill into the brake run is really fun... while the rest is kind of boring

    Roar(SFDK)- Just love the whole ride it never lets up.

    That's all i can think of for best.



    Colossus SFMM- After the MCBR the ride is pretty boring especially that slow turnaround ( I sware I can walk faster than the ride was going on that turn)

    Revolution SFMM- That brake after the tunnel makes the ending slow

    California Screamin'- I don't know why but besides the launch the ride bored me

    Ghostrider- I was feeling more pain than I was airtime

    Pony Express- Let me just say the whole ride is pointless!

    Xcelerator- Those two overbanked turns again I find pointless

  3. This park looks amazing so far.


    Was that coaster at all inspired by Dragon Mountain at Marineland?

    It was a little. I loved how Dragon Mountain interacted with the terrain.

    I really like the architecture in this park! It does remind me a little of Six Flags South Carolina, but that certainly isn't a bad thing! Also, I can't wait to see how this new area turns out.... keep up the fantastic job!

    Thanks! I'm nowhere near as good as CD5 though.


    Summer is approaching and the park released more teaser shots.


    The new coaster called Barracuda.


    Another shot.



    The gift shop


    And finally a picture of Seabreeze Swings and Riptide. Feedback?

  4. Season 3

    New update


    To start off here's the new restaurant.


    Great shot of Sky Shot from Whirlwind


    On the new ride Falcon. It was really fun


    Adventure Mountain is getting a bit bumpy... Well its a Vekoma so I'm not really shocked


    Disko got a new que building.


    Random ice cream parlor


    Here's a shot of the new expansion for next year. it looks HUGE


    To end the report an overview... you can see buildings and rides going up in the new area. Can you please leave feedback! I'd really like to know what you think of the park.

  5. Season 3 Announcement/ Future Plans

    Rocky Springs Amusement Park Amusement Park announces Falcon!

    John Walsh, park president/manager, says that "Falcon is the next thrill ride for the park and is the perfect fit for the park." Rocky Springs is Colorado Springs premier amusement park destination. The park is located on 5438 Mountain View Drive, 80906. Phone number: (555)-719-2478


    Falcon concept art


    Falcon's patriotic que house. The park has already announced improvements coming to the park in year 4. Includes: Que houses for all the rides, a new restaurant, and a whole new expansion of the park which will feature 3 new rides, one being a coaster. Stay tuned!

  6. Season 2

    I accidentally deleted the pictures from Season 1. So onto the pictures...


    They changed those ugly red paths on main street and replaced it with the stone paths from the entrance. It looks much better


    Here's one of the two new small cafe they added.


    The new ride this season is a Disko. Fun but nothing special


    The Fantasy Wheel. Weird name.


    The new restaurant called Trapper Dan's its next to the Catfish Cove eatery


    The new restaurant with the old one


    Adventure Mountain got new supports. (I did my best with the supports the ride was tricky to support)


    Before I left I took a ride on Adventure Mountain...


    And Steel Lasso then I left.


    Now I leave you with a construction photo for Season 3's addition. They confirmed it is not a coaster. Thoughts?

  7. I have another update...


    The new building they added on main street.


    Another eatery they added


    Swan boats


    The only coaster built at the park right now built on a hill called adventure mountain.


    After the first two loops you go into the batwing


    Then dive into the hill and do two corkscrews inside and come out the other side and that's it


    Whirlwind on the left and Fantasy Wheel on the right


    An overview. And that's it the park is done so opening day is coming up. What do you think?

  8. So this is a park I'm making at my mom's house while Six Flags Sacramento is the one I do at my dad's. So this park is in Colorado Springs, hence Rocky Springs. The park is family owned and so far no rides have been built yet but main street is being built. Onto Pictures...


    The really small entrance


    One of the buildings completed on main street


    Another building on main street.


    And the final building they completed which houses gifts, souvenirs, food, etc...


    Overview so far. A lot of the park still has to be built. They announced that the park is going to open with only one roller coaster and some flat rides. But promised big things in the future if the park is successful. Comments and criticism please!

  9. Maybe I should have put this in the help thread. I just need a quick response... So Sorry for a new thread for a question but I need help. So I'm trying a park on Mac and I want to post pictures on here but the snapshot button is F10 and on Macs that is the mute volume button so whever I push F10 it just mutes and unmutes the volume and won't take a picture. Does anyone know or have the sam problem on mac and know how to fix it? Thanks

  10. ^^^Thanks i'll try terraforming later on


    ^ I think its in Circus Center set 2


    Here's a quick update from the park. They are getting a new coaster. It's not all that big. They removed the old Meteorite from the fair days and added a new Starbucks on main street. On to pictures...


    Here's the new Starbucks they added


    Should I keep this eating area? Or should I put a Johhny Rockets in?


    Gotham City Crime Wave. I personally hate the Gotham City area. Does anyone know any good gotham city sets?


    I guess Batman uses Axe twist...


    The new main street area. Almost done with it


    Viper roaring into the brake run


    Onto construction of the new coaster. Here's what it looked like beginning of winter season...


    Here's what it looked like 2 1/2 weeks later on the last day before the park closes. I really like the station


    Backside with que line work being done and supports.


    Kind of an overview... To me it looks like a half pipe like at Elitchs'. Which I'm fine with


    One last shot of the station. Sadly I can't update the park till thursday next week because I'm going to my mom's house. Comments and criticism please!

  11. Here's my first park on the thread and the first park that I have used CS and actually putting buildings/coaster stations. So a brief history of the park is it used to be a fair, but the fair went bankrupt so then the county took it over and named it Placer County Amusement Park. It became rundown under the county so they put it up for sale and Six Flags bought it. So the park is in transition from a fair to an amusement park. There adding new indoor eateries and added 2 new coasters and more rides while removing some. So here are pictures...


    Here is the new entrance signs to Six Flags Sacramento


    Here is a new indoor eatery they put in on main street. An ice cream parlor


    McDonalds. Yum


    Here is the sign and station for the parks wooden coaster Big Dipper


    Here's what Big dipper looks like not much theming or scenery wise but it has a lot of airtime


    This used to be red and black and called venom. But they repainted it added a new station renamed it and it wouldn't be six flags without hair gel ads. At least its not all over the trains?


    Its actually a double looping


    Save 5% at Ruth Chris' with Discover Card!


    Looking down towards Batman. One of the two coasters six flags added


    Here is the other coaster they added, viper, again not much scenery and theming but its still fun


    Viper brought to you by T Mobile and PG&E


    Here is the other ice cream parlor they added on the work in progress main street


    Save 5% with Discover card at six flags!


    And here is the last eatery they added on the main street.


    More pictures soon. Do you think I did good with the buildings? Since it's my first time trying to put them in my parks.

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