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Posts posted by ericm95

  1. December 26th, 1984 - December 29th, 1984.


    On the eve of December 26th, a massive storm system swept through the Sacramento region bringing torrential downpours and massive flooding.


    Rivercat's turn over the water was damaged beyond repair, when the water levels returned to a safe level, the turn was quickly removed. The park was planning on repairing the turn, but another round of storms raised water levels again...


    Since the park did not install a water pump system in the main pond, that area suffered many flooding. Many buildings were flooded and trees were ripped out. Lakeside Scatabout and Grand Carousel were the major victims, they were damaged heavily and are in the process of being removed. Luckily, Sky Wheel and Chute for the Skies were spared.


    January 14th, 1985.


    16 Days after the storm, the park is finally cleaning up the mess. Grand Carousel is making its way out


    Same goes for Lakeside Scatabout


    Chute for the Skies and Sky Wheel have been repaired and cleaned up.


    Today is January 18th, 1985. The owner of the park filed for bankruptcy today, the park will be closing down for an unknown period of time.


    Good news out of this? There is already an interested buyer, we just don't know if he'll make a move on the park.


    See you next time. Maybe? ...

  2. Another Lawsuit Hits Riverfront



    August 15th, 1984.

    The Sacramento Bee.


    Another lawsuit hits local Riverfront Amusement Park, second one this month. Today, on the first ride

    on the ride Seabreeze Swings, 5 riders were hit in the face with a tree branch. They suffered severe

    cuts and wounds on their face and were sent to the local hospital. The families are all opening a lawsuit

    against the park stating they need to focus more on safety.


    This does not look good for the parks reputation. Two weeks ago a rider fell out of Sasquatch and died,

    and was confirmed it was the ride attendant's fault.


  3. Thanks for the replies everyone! It was a tragic accident



    It is the last week of the 1984 season, and it was a great one.... minus the Sasquatch accident. I had an overall pretty good day. Got my rides on everything I wanted... except Sasquatch


    August 11th, 1984.


    I decided to do my usual park run, which is to run over to Grizzly and slowly make my way over to Rivercat.


    I love it's airtime pop over the water


    I decided to pass on Stinger, it makes me sick, and walk on over to Sasquatch, it's sad seeing it closed down


    I decided to hit Skywheel, even though it terrifies me...


    I hit up Swashbuckler next, which is the best flat in the park, imo.


    And to conclude the day, here's the classic Rivercat shot with a new fountain!


    It really completes the ride now.


    One last look at Main Street, and it's goodbye to Riverfront for now


    And here is the 1984 park map


    And an aerial of Grizzly


    Well that concluded my covering of the 1984 season! Sadly, I can't make it to closing day in 6 days. But I will see you all next year! Goodbye.... for now

  4. I love this park so far!

    I'll be sure to keep checking this thread.

    Thank you


    My favorite ride is Rivercat. I'd stay there all day.

    Thanks for the comment, and me too


    Great job! Looks like it'd be a fun park!

    Thankk you very much



    Disaster Strikes Local Sacramento Amusement Park!


    The Sacramento Bee

    August 5th, 1984


    Today, at Riverfront Amusement Park, a 15 year old boy fell out on the Sasquatch roller coaster and plummeted to his death.

    It is not known whether it was the rider's fault or the restraint not being secured properly, but the family is filing a lawsuit again the park,

    stating: "the ride is not safe."


    The ride will be shut down for the rest of the summer season, as park officials stated the ride will undergo necessary safety

    inspections before opening back to the public. The park wants the ride to reopen to the public, hopefully, by next summer.


  5. Wow! Has it really been since September? I would like to apologize for the lack of updates, school and life got in the way. I would also like to thank everyone who has commented/criticized, it does mean a lot.


    Onto the update....



    July 2nd, 1984.


    It is the 4th of July weekend and the park is booming! Attendance has gone up, as well as the temperature, and it was especially crowded today. 2 hour wait for Grizzly!

    It is well worth the wait though.... actually somewhat worth it.


    Grizzly is to thank for the major attendance boost.


    But Sasquatch still has the most forceful loop in the park. All hail Anton!


    After Sasquatch, I grabbed a quick snack at the Adventurer's Snack Bar.


    It was delish! After, I decided to check on Rivercat. It has seen a drastic decrease in ridership... To the point where they can run one train in the peak of the summer season, and only have a 20 min wait. It's sad really


    Some good new though: Riverfront was awarded the most beautiful park in Northern California!


    More next time!

  6. Whenever supports don't fit right on the footers, I always double up on the footers. Put two overlapping footers underneath the loop support and have the support be in the middle of them. It looks a bit odd from the air, but it makes it seem more accurate if the support has the "right sized" footer. This is my method, but if you don't want to do that it's fine! Looks great regardless!


    I always thought that Arrow Corkscrew coasters were the hardest to support anyways!

    Thanks for the tip, I tried it and it does look better. And yeah they are hard to support, but they look great if you do them right!



    June 14th, 1984

    Today was a big day for Riverfront! The expansion was delayed about two weeks and today was the grand opening! I have a fairly large update for you guys, so I hope you enjoy the photos.


    As you enter the new area, Grizzly's lift looms over everything.


    After the lift and a quick turnaround, you plunge down a 100 ft drop!


    Through two loops.


    A quick turnaround, and finishes with two corkscrews!


    Grizzly has a great setting along a pond. This park just loves putting ponds next to their rides?


    We can't forget about Stinger! Also new for this year.



    The new restaurant was a big hit, their steaks are so good! My new favorite spot to eat.


    I started to hit other areas of the park, High Flyin Parachutes is still a park favorite. It offers a great view.


    Rivercat is no longer the best coaster in the park, imo Grizzly has taken that title away.


    It still looks beautiful flying along the hillside though.


    Swashbuckler still holds a big crowd, hard to believe this ride is already two years old?


    The park is really starting to get a skyline now.



    To end this update, one last shot of Grizzly.


    Thanks for reading!


    Comments please!

  7. i love your logos! i love your park! i'm excited to see this park grow! your scenery and landscaping is amazing. i wish i could go that creative..




    Well it is half way through the off season, and the park has been very secretive with construction updates. But they have released two pictures. It looks like a lot of work still needs to be done before the summer season starts!


    February 18th, 1984. Construction Update.


    As you can see Grizzly has been completed (*Please ignore the loop footer, none would fit right*) Also you can see in the top left that Country John's hasn't been completed either! They better haul on construction in the next months to finish.


    Also Stinger has been put up too. A lot of landscaping, actually all the landscaping needs to be completed.


    I really hope with all the work that has to be done, that they can finish on time!

    More soon!


    Comments please!

  8. Looks great, I love this park almost as much as Waterbury Amusement Park. If not more. Speaking of Waterbury, will it continue?

    Thanks! And it will return, expect it to next month?


    this park is turning out really nicely!



    This park is great looking at coasters that opened in 1984 an arrow suspend, togo stand up, or arrow looper would make sense, unless its a classic wooden coaster, but the park already has one so that is kind of unlikely. Shall we call it Project 1984!



    Thanks for the comments guys!



    1984 Expansion


    Riverfront Amusement Park, Sacramento's premier family destination, announces the largest expansion since Rivercat and Sasquatch!


    This includes Grizzly! A high flyin looping roller coaster manufactured by Arrow Dynamics. Grizzly sends plummeting down a 100 ft drop, through two loops, two corkscrews, and a final airtime pop over a pond!

    Concept art:



    Also new for 1984 is the addition of Stinger. Stinger flips you upside down a staggering 8 times!


    A new restaurant is making its way to the park also. Country Johns Steakhouse will serve country fresh food, including: steaks, burgers, country skillets, and serves breakfast all day!


    Opening June, 1984!


    Very exciting! More on the park soon!


    Comments please!

  9. Nice update, double downs are fun

    Thanks! And yes they are


    Yay I love good rct3 parks, they are really fun to follow, and this is no exception. It kind of reminds me of Charleston Garden's first years.

    Thanks for the comment!



    July 1983


    Wow is it already almost the end of 1983 season? Time flies by so fast! Nothing much happened this year, just same ol' Riverfront, but there is some interesting land clearing by Sasquatch.


    Sky Wheel is one of those rides that scare the crap out of me! I hate ferris wheels!


    Seabreeze Swings is one of the many flat rides in the park! It's a big hit with guests


    The park is shrouded in trees! Which is definitely a good thing, it provides a lot of shade for those hot summer days.


    1984 Expansion

    Over by the end near Sasquatch, there has been some mysterious land clearing. It looks like a decent sized expansion, and it has been confirmed a new coaster is on its way for next year!


    The area is very large. I'm excited for what it is!


    The park did release sort of a hint, doesn't really help much on guessing what it is though

    If you ever, ever dare to top the beast

    You will never, never see the light again


    Hmmmmm? More soon!


    Comments please!

  10. I was wondering when this park would ever come back but I love the pirate ship ride and the name! Can't wait to see what the new ride is!!!!!!

    Thanks! And you'll find out very soon!


    August 1st, 1982.


    Well, as sad as it is, the season is coming to an end. I have a quick update for you guys.


    Rumor update: Rumor's have it that this new coaster may be built by arrow, it won't come next year but maybe the year after that?


    Of course we'll start this update with the obligatory Rivercat shot.


    As I headed over to Swashbuckler, it has about a 45 minute wait! It seems to be holding up well.


    The ride in action!


    I like the little pond next to it (And so do the birds...)


    Did you know the park had a carousel? Yeah I didn't either, it's kind of a forgotten ride in the park.


    Double down!


    To end this update on the 1982 season, here's Rivercat while leaving the park.


    Goodbye Riverfront! I'll see you next year!


    Comments please!

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