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Everything posted by Voyage

  1. I was at Carowinds on Saturday and Dollywood on Sunday. This was pretty much the case at both parks, but definitely worse at Carowinds. Operations were terrible, and the #1 cause of this was larger guests attempting to ride and getting booted after 5 minutes of trying to get the harness tight enough. I’d say about 75% of all dispatches on all coasters the entire day had people being taken off, and this is a problem. No point in having 2 or 3 trains on when it takes 10 minutes to send one after unlocking the restraints 12 times. I literally almost fell asleep on the brake run on Nighthawk. Use the test seats, people! I can’t imagine going to these parks without buying the Fast Lane Plus / Unlimited Time Saver.
  2. Thanks! Hopefully it’s still like that this year. Anyone know what’s up with Mystery Mine? I haven’t seen it open on any of the Dollywood wait time websites this whole weekend. Did Mystery Mine open today? The app no longer has wait times available if you are outside the park, obviously. Just curious, what is the url for the site that still list wait times? I checked a few times today and still haven’t seen it open. Here’s the website: https://queue-times.com/parks/55/queue_times
  3. Thanks! Hopefully it’s still like that this year. Anyone know what’s up with Mystery Mine? I haven’t seen it open on any of the Dollywood wait time websites this whole weekend.
  4. Hey everyone. Question about Dollywood’s TimeSaver Unlimited Pass... does it include unlimited rides on Lightning Rod? Or is it limited to one ride only on LR like the regular TimeSaver pass. Thanks!
  5. It looks like Dominator is open now but it was closed for at least the first half of the day.
  6. Damn! I figured it would be about 90 minutes but 1:45-2 hours is pretty crazy. It’s not like the park is packed. Can you post if there’s anything going on at Timbers? We bailed to check out some Richmond breweries and really only want to come back tonight if there’s a chance that TT will open.
  7. I’m in line for Volcano now inching along... 1 train running with row 8 blocked off. I wondered if TT was seeing any action yet. Spent a while over on that side this AM and since it’s so tiny I haven’t been able to see if it’s running yet or not since I left the area - guess not! Wow... glad we didn’t get in line for that. I’m guessing FOF is one train as well. We were in line for that for a while and bailed because it was barely moving. Very sad operations at KD.
  8. Timbers is indeed valleyed right before the brake run. Maintenance is attempting to winch the train back up right now. I really hope they get this open by the end of the day. Dominator has also been closed with no signs of trains cycling. Many other rides didn’t open until hours after park opening. Volcano has a 90 minute wait as usual. Overall a pretty crappy day at KD so far.
  9. Hey guys... I'm planning a trip out to SFStl on 4/23 and noticed that the Six Flags website has Mr. Freeze listed as "temporarily closed". Can anyone confirm this or have any info about it? Thanks!
  10. Thank you TPR for another fantastic West Coast Bash! Although I think I have brain damage from riding Xcelerator 50 times on Sunday
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