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Everything posted by coastermotion

  1. From TypicalCPFanBoy's Twitter, I have friends who work at the park-They say that Mean Streak is gonna be demolished this winter and a huss land of the giants is coming in!
  2. I believe on Sunday I guess they installed new brakes or something to one of the break runs and I heard if all testing went well after that the soft opening could be this weekend. But I'm not sure if everything went smoothly. I just hope the soft opening is SOON.
  3. New slide show on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PRpWJ9UO5M There has been many rumors about the ride opening August 16th, I've heard two rumors and my friend who is more on top of it has heard 5 rumors about the 16th. Remember there just rumors, no one knows when it will open yet but I'm pretty sure it will be in August.
  4. Look at this video on youtube of people getting stuck on one of the wooden coasters! Lol (video footage not mine)
  5. I really hope something happens to this park soon! I remember a few months back where there were areas being cleaned up. But I can't remember any links. I also think they should make this park with a huge comeback! A huge new coaster maybe? I'm not sure, but plans for the waterpark and stuff seem quite exciting.
  6. I agree with everyone, but, they must be getting at least a little closer because they have been testing multiple trains on the track, put the rings up, have workers training, and taken down some of the construction walls. But its still possible it wont open for a while, then again no one knows!
  7. Oh my god!!! I would not want to be bit!!! And I'm glad I didn't go last week!!!
  8. I was going to Cedar Point last Friday but I had family over But hopefully i'm going SOON!
  9. You live near there?! Sweet! I just was there about a week ago! The park is GREAT! I LOVE the new ride The Curse of the Silverback! The first day we went there we got right on since it was raining all day, then the next day (Saturday) the wait was like an hour and a half! It does kind of look like this park but Water Safari is WAY better + there's a lot of more rides!! I saw the Malcom in the Middle episode with this water park! And Dewey had to stay home lol
  10. Have you heard yet?! Universal Studios will be building another new park in Dubai. The opening date is supposed to be in 2012. As of now progress looks slow since they only thing they have really completed is the entrance. Here are some images. Here is the website. http://www.universalstudiosdubailand.com/
  11. This park looks like it will be awesome! I have seen pictures of the new dueling coasters and they look sweet! I think its cool that they gave the option this time to either sit down or have your feet dangle!
  12. I'm not sure if this was posted or not but, how can they afford to build a new park?! Aren't then in millions of $$ in debt?! Hopefully it will be good though.
  13. Oh haha, Sorry I didn't know that. Well that stinks.
  14. The last one I rode I believe was at Darien Lake, formerly known as Six Flags Darien lake. It's a brand new one called "Orange County Moto Copper" and you get launched. Heres a picture.
  15. If your looking for a big thrill, go to the "Stratosphere!" They have 1 roller coaster that goes around the the roof, Its not great but if sure to give you a thrill since your like 1149 ft from the ground. There is also many other thrilling rides up there. The RED around the building is the mini coaster. Here is one of the thrilling rides (X-Scream). [/b]
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