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Posts posted by EnglndPatriots6

  1. The park isnt dead. And its not ruined. The park is getting multiple rides next season for the parks 25th anniversary along with new rides in 2011 for Six flags 50th anniversary. the new rides next season are going to be unique to SFKK only so i can only imagine what they are.


    A update on TT and MHF: MHF is staying. The chain was gone becuase it broke. And they still have plans to keep it. TT on the other hand is being removed and the trains are indeed being refurbished to be used on screamin eagle at SFSTL


    They do however plan on renovating that section so im guessing thats where the new rides will be unless they expand out beyone T2 into the land they own.

  2. I guess you went yesterday? Thats when i went and how you described the lines for things was just about how it was yesterday.


    I thought about riding beast but the line was way out of its queue so we just went on since we didnt have much time. Glad you enjoyed KI, Your gonna love SFKK, except T2 probably but its still bearable.


    Oh yea and SFKK will be getting some love this off-season. Its the parks 25th anniversary and my friend that works there confirmed quite a few things to me. 1. the park will be getting some rides that are unique to SFKK for the 25th. 2. MHF is going to stay (the chain was gone because it snapped) 3. twisted twins is more then likely going to be gone this off-season if not this one, next off-season. And then we all know each park is getting something for the 50th anniversary for six flags in 2011. So things are really looking up for the park.

  3. Thanks. I was so mad at one thing with the park. Batteries cost 3 dollars for a pack of 2 batteries, 2 batteries. And because im a genius and bought rechargeable batteries i forgot to charge them so i had to buy batteries twice.


    So to solve this I bought myself a nice new Canon SD780 IS( has a battery pack)


    Glad you enjoyed the pictures. You'll definitely love Holiday World when you go, if you eat at the park do kringles kafe, thats where pat(the person on their advertisements) works when it starts to overflow with people and needs more workers, and its got amazing food.


    I think with my kings island TR ill resize my photos to less then 800x600 though.

  4. Maybe, but i doubt it. In 1996 when one of the coasters(star chaser) had a accident they reported there was a serious mechanical failure that resulted in it and the park sued them. And when all that happened with the drop tower they always slanted it towards the girls side. Which is why I dont think they was paid off since they have had a long history of appearing to be against the park.

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