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About nrdyboii

  • Birthday 05/13/1994

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  1. Okay, i plan on going to Six Flags NOvember 7, Do You think that Colossus will still have its backwards cars. Because last year i went around the same time, and they still were.
  2. Maybe Some type of Drop Tower, NOT exactly along the lines of Supreme Scream...just a figure of speach
  3. I Personally think that a Free fall drop coaster would be a good addition to SFMM... Something among the lines of Supreme Scream at Knotts
  4. Hey, This is random, but do the Spotlights on the sign actually work?
  5. This is sad because there is people like me, who havent even rode the ride yet.
  6. Robb Thank you for your Media Day report. All I can say is WOWWWW. This ride from what I heard, packs a punch and is adequetly themed. I was just looking back at the first few weeks when Terminator was announced and many people thought that Six Flags could not pull out a wooden coaster themed to Terminator, but Six Flags knew what they were doing all along. Maybe they wanted to stir up controversy so that in the end, people would come out and ride their one of a kind ride. It sure enough has worked, and I want to thank the people for making this ride come to life, the people actually constructing the ride, and none other than Robb Alvey. I can not wait to ride this thing. Even though I could not make it To the KROQ event, I plan on riding this thing During TPR Terminator Day. Kudos. ( I Hope) *Is in Awe*
  7. Coming Up on Good Day LA on Fox 11. Tony has footage of media day is coming. So far he says its an awesome ride.
  8. I woul like a Large shirt. And also can we use the tickets for another day?
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