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Posts posted by boardwalkbullet91507

  1. This is my evil idea for the layout. This idea is to use all of the existing footers exactly but with a few changes (especially at the end).



    I like how you utilized the land from the wagon wheel. I COMPLETELY forgot about that. I also really like what you did with the helix at the top. it looks much, much better. I thought they would either do some twisty layout up there or do something like NTAG with the two big triangles so it would provide many over banked turns. Oh well, 5 more days and we find out for sure!

  2. I'm betting that if there's an epic double-up, it will go there.


    As soon as i heard they were going to do this i looked at the layout and i though that it just HAD to go here.


    Also, I'd love to see the horseshoe turn go back to its original double-down design. It used to fly over an airtime hill, dive down to the edge of the cliff, and then horseshoe into the quarry, rather than starting the horseshoe from the top of the hill. That could easily be an overbanked hill instead of an airtime hill, and the double-down could be resurrected.


    Unfortunately, i was never able to experience that double down. When i started to layout what i hoped it would look like i thought that exact same thing. Overbank, even out a little bit and then dive right back down. RESURRECT THE DOUBLE DOWN.

  3. Here is my idea of what iRat will look like. again, THIS IS AN IDEA!!! NOT THE REAL DEAL! Feel free to share your thoughts...


    BLACK- Extended lift height 10-15 feet (space permiting at the bottom of the drop), steep first drop maybe around 80 degrees or similar to that on Outlaw run, as well as the NTAG double up to an over banked turn 90-95 degrees.

    RED BOXES- Possible locations for the barrel roll.

    ORANGE- Possible places that six flags could utalize and make the coaster turn from a terrain coaster into a wooden twister. Headchoppers, airtime hills, stuff like that...

    GIG BLACK ?- Self explanatory as that has all been removed.

    SECOND BLACK LINE NEAR STATION- brakes extension (for longer, and multiple trains.)


  4. I think the tunnel might be the wrong place for the barrel roll personally. After that plunge from the cliff, I think speeds in the tunnel will be to forceful and put to much stress on the track and riders. Some strobe light action would be awesome in there! I think the best place for the barrel roll, (well, at least the most awesome) is after the HUGE fan curve off the quarry, when you go back up where the trim brakes used to be before the boring helix, or like a combo barrel roll- div element right before you plunge into the tunnel. I think that would be cool and speeds would be just about right in my opinion. Also if the barrel roll is elevated, perhaps AFTER the tunnel near the station, so like a station barrel roll fly by.

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