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Posts posted by jbarner14

  1. I've been on eight.


    Bat - Canada's Wonderland (Operating 1987)

    Boomerang Coast to Coaster - Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom (Operating 5/23/1997)

    Boomerang Coast to Coaster - Darien Lake (Operating 5/16/1998)

    Carolina Cobra - Carowinds (Operating 3/28/2009)

    Flashback - Six Flags New England (Operating 5/5/2000)

    Sea Serpent - Morey's Piers (Operating 1984)

    Sidewinder - Hersheypark (Operating 5/11/1991)

    Zoomerang - Lake Compounce (Operating 6/27/1997)

  2. Thanks for all of the responses. They are very important to the success of our design project.


    ^The reason you were not able to find much information about our group is because, quite frankly, there isn't much. Our group was formed last year, but really just started to move forward this semester. Aside from this design project, we are currently experimenting and performing tests with a Coasterdynamix kit, and are soon going to undertake the task of building a working scale wooden roller coaster model. After each of these projects, we will be writing a substantial report that will be available to view on our website (website coming soon). We were also able to schedule a backstage tour of Kennywood that we hope will open our eyes to the world of theme park engineering more. In addition to the Kennywood tour, we hope that our substantial amount of industry contacts will lead to more tour opportunities and our recognition in the industry.


    If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask. I would like to thank everyone once again for providing his or her valuable feedback to our survey. Without you this design project would not be successful.

  3. Penn_State_Theme_Park_Engineering.png.039e7f5776f9fa38cfcc66a2b7ea00f9.png

    Penn State Theme Park Engineering


    The Penn State Theme Park Engineering Group has chosen to take on the challenge of designing an original theme park ride from the ground up. The first step in the process, deciding what to design, however, depends on you. By filling out this ten question survey we will be able to gather data regarding what types of rides and characteristics people prefer in a ride experience. After receiving this information, we will then be able to determine what type of ride to build and what characteristics and features are important to its success. From there, we will embark on the long and involved design process, documenting every step along the way.


    We would kindly appreciate your input on this survey. It will take only a few minutes and will allow you to express your ride preferences and even give us your most 'out there' ride design ideas. Who knows, maybe we can make one these crazy ideas a reality.


    A special thanks to Robb for allowing us to post our survey.



    Survey Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KW6BL2W

  4. Oh, and if I lived 15 minutes from the park, I'd be there all the time for the other coasters, anyway.




    ^^I live 30 minutes from the park and visited there every Wednesday this summer. It is an awesome place to hang out and chill with friends. The Phoenix is one of the best coasters around and the bumper cars are truly amazing. Not to mention the delicious dinner you can get for a reasonable price.


    There's no reason to boycott the park because of complications constructing a ride that hasn't been built in over 50 YEARS. It's not like the park said, "We failed. We can't build anymore rides." Instead they've kept adding new rides to the park, including two new credits. It took to me awhile to truly appreciate my home park, but after visiting many other parks each year, I have realized that Knoebels is truly one of the best parks in existence. I think you should appreciate it more.

  5. Any ideas on what we may see in 2011?


    Was reading on kdfansite that some of the folks from GCI were seen in the park recently so could we be looking at a new woodie within the next couple of seasons? If not I'd like some new trains for hurler to see if that'll help make the ride more tolerable granted I think the ride's days are numbered seeing as nobody rides it.


    I wouldn't think too much about them being in the park. Roller coaster designers don't just like to design coasters, but they also like to ride them too.


    In fact if you listen to In the Loop, you'll notice that they we're just there to enjoy Hurlfest.

  6. What a coincidence. A friend and I were getting on right as it went down. Some other people we knew were stuck in the holding zone (train behind yours) and we had to get off as we were still in the station. We were all wondering if a train was in the tunnel during all the evacs and what not. When your train got back the girl in the front was all "THAT WAS SO SCARY". lol. I think it woulda been kinda fun to be down there not knowing when you'd launch.


    Yeah like the others have said they tell you when you're going to launch, so it wasn't that scary at all. There's always some people that over react to situations like that and find it more frightening than it actually is. It was a lot of fun though hearing all of the bickering and comments made down there though.

  7. I'm graduating from Shikellamy High School on June 4th. I'll finish either 2nd or 3rd in my class.

    College: Penn State University-University Park

    Major: Architectural Engineering

    Summer Plans: I'll be working for a local company that is known for their creations all around the world. I'm also gonna attempt to reach 250 credits.

  8. Although I think I would enjoy a Coaster Expedition Blu-ray more

    We are still a ways off from being able to do a CE disc on Blu-Ray mainly due to the source material. The source for the next CE disc is all in Standard Def and then the one after that is kind of "mixed"


    That's what I figured. No worries. I'll buy the In the Raw Blu-ray and patiently await the CE one years on down the road.

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