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Posts posted by Pelydr

  1. Patton Oswalt is by far the best comedian out there right now (he also just wrote a fantastic book). I also love Louie CK but I still favor Patton. I guess I'm just talking current ones out there because all time you have to talk about Carlin, Pryor, etc.


    Overall Bill Hicks is the ultimate king.

  2. I, too, COMPLETELY agree with Eagle Fortress's placement in the poll.


    I, like a couple others, didn't vote in the poll due to the sheer numbers involved.


    However, Eagle Fortress really deserves it's place in the poll. Personally, I have it ranked at #4 (out of 670 steel).


    Here's the story from my perspective, of the TPR trip there last September.


    It was kind of cool and damp when we got there in the morning. We had ERT on Eagle Fortress. An Arrow suspended. Oh effen joy. Who cares. As we walked up, the little bit of the ride you can actually see, seemed rusted and dilapidated. Fine. Let's get the credit and move on.


    With massive amounts of apprehension on everyone's part, we slowly filled the seats of the train. The lift hill was a bit steep, still not revealing much of the ride. At the top where we disengaged from the chain, we were near the outskirts of the parks' perimeter. The turnaround was maybe 8-10 feet off the ground. As the last car came off the chain and we started going downhill, everything that followed was bat-out-of-hell, WTF was that!!!


    It just kept getting faster and faster, swinging wider and wider to both sides! Extremely smooth! We got back to the station and we were cheering. NOT a faux cheer, to please the host park (Everland) as can be common in many events, but a real cheer. The TPR people in the station who didn't make the first train, thought we were giving them the biggest BS of our lives.


    Yet, from that moment on, everyone tried to get as many rides as possible (myself included). The train never went out with an empty seat after that. The thing was absolutely amazing!!


    T-Express may be a large part of the draw for me to head back with TPR to Korea in September, but T-Express is still an unknown. Seriously, I could go back just for Eagle Fortress and be just as happy. It IS that good.


    Think Big Bad Wolf's drop over the Rhine river. With NO trim brakes. No shuffling. Side to side, past vertical. For a full minute. It is amazing.



    And, it's an Arrow! W-T-F???






    That sounds awesome. I've always loved the Arrow inverts, and this seems to be the obvious king.

  3. WDW is far, far better as a destination. I love DLR, but I can get bored after a day or two. The resort in Florida is just so complete; it's hard to NOT find something to do there. Epcot is by far my favorite Disney park, so WDW certainly has that going for it as well.


    Disneyland itself is way better than MK for me, but the entire experience (and park advantage) is far superior in Orlando.

  4. Crystal Skull was my favorite, but not really by that much over Forbidden Eye. I think it certainly benefits from coming later and being newer. Crystal Skull has the best single effect in the smoke ring, so it gets the advantage there, i guess. Dino is just boring... It's dark and that its. I always come off that ride wondering why I even went on it.


    Both Indy's are fantastic and thats all that matters. I'm glad Ive been on both!

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