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Everything posted by hamen1

  1. Six Flags New Orleans can't return even if they wanted to. The rides are much too damaged and so the cost of fixing up the rides would be way to much. If they did fix up the park, then it would be very hard to get their money back because of the lack of money the company profitted on. The SFI would be retarted to rebuild here in New Orleans
  2. I think the park will come back just not as SF maybe as a privately owned park or something. SF would be stupid for coming back this long after the storm. They will just be spending money on a park with money that would be put to use for a short period of time. I still think that the park would bring in tourism because the only other kidfriendly and teenfrendly attractions are city park, audubon park, Lakeside Shopping Centre, Oakwood Mall, Elplanade mall, Clearview Mall and movie theatre, and other places such as Laser Tag and Paintball Planet. These are places that are fun for a short period. The park would be better as another city park and not a big corporation arena. The park would only bring in tourism for people who have young kids or teens who have no clue what to do. Other than that, the park would only be another place for us New Orleanians who would rather than go to a theme park than the other places where fights break out and crime exists.
  4. If the park weree to reopen, which may be smart, it would make a killing of money based on the facts of how much business is coming back to the city. There would be no real competition so all of the business would go to SFNO. SFNO said that they were going bankrupt on the park, but that was going on with SF's everywhere, and they forgot to take into consideration the fact that they built new rides and new sections of the park which costs multimillion dollars. If the park were to reopen, the market would be here, because there are only so many places to go in New Olreans to have fun such as: Clearview (mall/movies), Lakeside (mall), airline (skate center), Rock n' Bowl, and a few other places. The park would also bring in some MUCH NEEDED money for the city, and also tourism for the city and also mainly New Orleans East which is one of the most devistated parts of the city more than two years after Katrina. The park is only getting worse and worse by the day, so I think if the theme park was to come back, they might want to start now or else it will just keep rotting away.
  5. SFNO were about to be in the process of building the waterpark across the highway. They had already started clearing out trees to make room for the new park. The SFNO work crew were to start the building process that september and finish early march of 2006, but since the hurricane the park has sold those lands back to the city and is not planning on coming back. Who knows what will come of the park. It is really sad that a park that gave a bunch of people something to do and gave people a history of their lives with friends and such have now to look at a park that is just being left there to rot. If the park weree to reopen, which may be smart, it would make a killing of money based on the facts of how much business is coming back to the city. There would be no real competition so all of the business would go to SFNO. SFNO said that they were going bankrupt on the park, but that was going on with SF's everywhere, and they forgot to take into consideration the fact that they built new rides and new sections of the park which costs multimillion dollars. If the park were to reopen, the market would be here, because there are only so many places to go in New Olreans to have fun such as: Clearview (mall/movies), Lakeside (mall), airline (skate center), Rock n' Bowl, and a few other places. The park would also bring in some MUCH NEEDED money for the city, and also tourism for the city and also mainly New Orleans East which is one of the most devistated parts of the city more than two years after Katrina. The park is only getting worse and worse by the day, so I think if the theme park was to come back, they might want to start now or else it will just keep rotting away.
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