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Posts posted by gerd.muller

  1. Maybe they don't trust the Euro Men not to poop in the water?!!?


    I guess, the real reason is, that European Men have the perfect bodies and they are man enough to prove it!!!! (...don´t take me too serious!!!)


    Gerd "European-but-wearing-Ron-John-Board-Shorts-because-they-are-more-comfortable" Müller

  2. ^ Thinks that she knows what vallasic is but wants others to explain it!


    < Really knows what vallasic is (because every chef should know that) but is to lazy to explain!


    v Wonders about all that "vallasic"-stuff they all are talking about!

  3. I see you ate at Jacks! I was there a few weeks back... that burger was GOOD!


    BAD for my diet though...



    Yupp, their burgers are great!

    ...and about your diet:

    You have to choose the right prorities in life,

    When your brain says: "...BURGERS!!!!!", you have to feed it with a burger!!!!



    I can eat there more often on my cheat days, since it's only 5 minutes away from my new place! And it doesn't cost much more than eating at McDonald's!



    I´m jealous!!!!

    Have one for me when you go there the next time!


    Gerd "DIETS-SUCKS!!!!!" Müller

  4. I am happy you got back to Germany safely and hope your family has a safe trip back, and cant wait for Gerd's Kitchen to start again.


    Yupp, we are all back safely, thank´s for all your posts.

    In the moment, summer-season has started, there are lot of tourists in town and we are very, very busy at the restaurant and café, but I promise I´ll come up with some new recipes as soon as time allows

  5. I unfortunately received a chain letter w that lady's pictures all over it. If you do a google image search, old woman with boob job in bikini...I think that will bring her lovely image up.


    In return for that picture, the sender got this:



    ...Thank you for helping me with my springtime-diet....!

  6. Like said before, here in Europe, Speedos are totally normal, they are no sign of sexual orientation.

    I prefer Board-shorts, but when visiting a public pool or for most of the waterparks here in Europe, you have to wear Speedos, so for us Europeans it´s hard to understand why the Americans have such a problem with them!

  7. Today, my Audi-dealer invited me to test the Audi R8 5.2 FSI.

    OH MY GOD! ...what a bastard....!!!!

    I know how to handle a powerful car, but after running the Highway with that Audi, you´re stuffed with Endorphin like a little boy after his first rock-concert!!!

    While you´re driving, your allways have the V10-Motorblock behind you that indulges you with pure motor-power-porn-sound!!!

    Once, you pushed the kick-down, that car pushes you forward like Kingda-Ka, and all you want to do at this moment is to go fast, fast and fast!

    A great car!!!

  8. ^ Should indulge himself with a pair of new eye-glases! (...You call that < "No Avatar..."!?!?!?)

    < Has just finished to polish the car that matches to his avatar and is going to hit the "NO-SPEED-LIMIT-GERMAN-AUTOBAHN" just in a few minutes!!!!

    v Is bored of the 55mph/speedlimit US-Highways!

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