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Jack Rimer

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Posts posted by Jack Rimer

  1. Be sure to polish the axles and use either graphite or silicone spray on the wheels. You may want to wipe the rails with silicone spray to cut down on friction too. Use only a "dry" lube. WD-40 will work OK, but a pure silicone may be better. Make sure the gauge on the guide wheels has plenty of slack to take into account variations in track width.


    I truly am impressed with what you have accomplished in such a short time. You are one of the few who have actually tackled such an ambitious project and seen it through.

  2. I'm one of the few people that doesn't slam on Axis all the time, but I have to admit this is better for several reasons. one, it's realistic. two, you're using the poly tubes for track instead of wood. three, you're spraypainting it all instead of stalling by handpainting sloooooooooooowly. also, the trains can just be blocks of wood on wheels, for all we care! you're just making what I'd call a normal model, with no hype or gimmicky details or anything.


    Don't forget the fact that he is ACTUALLY building it! Instead of talking about what he is going to do, he went out and really did it. Kudos.

    You have made more progress in a short period of time than many people do in years of promises and false hope.

  3. As I have said, I have nothing against you at all. I do, however know the kind of dedication and ingenuity it takes to build a working coaster model from scratch. That is why there are only a handful that exist. In fact, none exist that are as elaborate as your original design. Not even close. So when I see all these people on here giving you props for essentially just talking about what you are going to do rather than actuallly doing it, I get frustrated.

    BUILD A WORKING PROTOTYPE. Stop talking about the color of the seats, the layout, etc. We want to see it actually work.

  4. Trust me, I know what is involved in building a working model. He is going about it completely backwards. Style before substance seems to be how he is approaching it.

    Read his website updates. Has he held to his schedule? Is there a working prototype as promised MONTHS ago? Can he make a static model of Axis? Absolutely. Is he anywhere near making a functioning model? No.

    I have said this over and over....you can name the coaster, draw pictures in Solidworks, talk about how many elements it will have all day long, but unless you build one that works, none of this matters. The reality is that a working Axis model is no closer to completion than it was when this thread was started.

    You can say what you want, but until you produce a working model, I suspect you will continue to get called out on this.

  5. ^Why the hell do you think I'll just work on it for over a year and give up? I WILL get it to work one way or another. By the way, you're not the one making the model. I am.


    Don't become another Jack Rimer. I'm not saying anymore.


    Another Jack Rimer? What is that supposed to mean? At least if you were me you would have a model that operates by now.

    Dude, you still have absolutely NOTHING to show us as far as a working model. I'm sorry the truth stings so bad, but lay off the drama and show us something that actually WORKS!


    Painted seats? Yes

    Wooden supports? Yes

    Lots of drawings? Yes

    A name for the ride? Yes

    A model that works? No

  6. Let me get this straight... The models are $12 more than you thought and that will stop you from buying one? These are the only souvenirs like this in the world. When I was young I would have sold everything I owned for something like this.

    Seriously, are you just being melodramatic or are you truly put off by the price? I would email the park and tell them you think the price is outrageous.

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