I sympathize with everyone who laments the demise of the Phoenix. Yup, the now popular Phoenix. You know.....the one everyone swore they would never buy because it had too much rigid track. Why couldn't it be more like the Scorpion? Yes the Scorpion. That was the one that was entirely too expensive for the average person to buy. Do you see a pattern developing here? No matter what we come out with enthusiasts will find fault with it. They conjure up an excuse not to buy it, they then lament the fact that it no longer exists. It doesn't exist because everyone found fault with it and it didn't sell. Too expensive, not realistic enough, too fast, too much rigid track, too temperamental, hard to find, no Intamin track, no Arrow track,etc etc. We sell wooden coasters to the O gauge train market. No one complains about the price, realism, or the fact that a wooden coaster has B&M track. No one cares. They just are happy someone makes a roller coaster model. It is very gratifying to introduce a product into a market that embraces it for what it IS rather than what it ISN'T.