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thirstydeer last won the day on August 10 2024

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  1. Canada's Wonderland has announced AlpenFury, a new Canadian record-breaking Premier launched coaster for 2025! https://www.canadaswonderland.com/blog/media-center/2024/canadas-wonderland-announces-alpenfury-canadas-longest-tallest-and-fastest-launch-coaster Canada’s Wonderland is inviting guests to face nature’s wrath next year on AlpenFury, the longest, tallest and fastest launch coaster in the country. When fire and ice come together inside the mysterious Wonder Mountain, the force will propel riders into a thrilling journey beginning with a launch that blasts the train out the summit, 50 metres into the sky. The coaster will span 1,000 metres across the park, reaching speeds of 115 km/h, flipping and twisting through nine breathtaking inversions – the most of any launch coaster in North America. “AlpenFury is a world-class attraction, and we’re excited for the unique thrills it will offer our guests,” said Phil Liggett, general manager at Canada’s Wonderland. “The combination of being blasted out of Wonder Mountain, and then racing through nine inversions one right after the other, is going to be an experience guests won’t soon forget.” Designed by Premier Rides, AlpenFury will be the park’s 19th roller coaster, the fourth to interact with Wonder Mountain and the signature attraction in Alpenfest, which will be officially designated a themed area of the park next year. It is in this village that guests will find themselves at a festival celebrating the mystical union of fire and ice. A sled haus offers a journey aboard a sleek, modern sled into the heart of Wonder Mountain where this powerful, natural force awaits.
  2. Can a fellow park visitor help me... I just realized (a week after my most recent park visit) I was double charged on my card when I rented a locker at the entrtance to Splash Works. I've submitted a contact form on the park website, but can someone send me the QR code/website link from there so I can contact the company? Thank you!
  3. So have you heard about the unsolicited bid from Sea World to buy Cedar Fairs? https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/the-seaworld-buy-out-of-cedar-fair-just-took-an-interesting-turn What do you think about it? How do you think it'll affect Canada's Wonderland? Is it good for us or not?
  4. They probably made that change cause of Covid19. Although I think it's great how the park has made use of the mountain the ride itself for me is blah and overrated, particularly for the low ride capacity and long line. First time I went on it I didn't know about that drop at the end so I took my then 9 year old son on it. Lets just say he's 12 now and I just got him to go on Ghoster Coaster again.
  5. I think I find that, at this early a stage, there's just nothing beyond wild speculation to go on so it's more of a tease to think tjese clues lead down a certain path.
  6. Yeah it said that to me too. I had to login and wait in the queue each time to book again.
  7. So what was ayone's experience reserving spots on the CW website? I found it rather crazy but the site worked well given the traffic. I signed on just after 8am (which is when it opened) and right away it said I was 22,758th in the queue. It took an hour for my turn to come up. I ended up booking six different days and I think that's the current limit for season pass holders.
  8. Am I the only one having a bit of a tough time picturing going on coasters like Yukon Striker and Leviathan with a mask on? There's gonna be a looooooot of masks falling off rides.
  9. [fbvideonew][/fbvideonew] ALso just a friendly tip to get and load the Presto card at least a few days in advance. These things have so many glitches you want to make sure they're working before being in a situation where the reader thinks the card is empty and you've got no change to board the bus.
  10. 1. There are a bunch around the park, but can't say how expensive it is compared to cheap rates. 2. There are public transit options, particularly in the summer. YRT (York Regional Transit), TTC (Toronto Transit Commission), and the GO (Government of Ontario) all serve a make=shift transit loop at the park. 3. Use this searchable calendar to see how busy the park is on any given date. Of course it can't predict the future but it gives you a good idea of how busy the park has been in the past on whatever days you're considering. (https://queue-times.com/parks/58/calendar/2019/12) If you're there on a day it's open 10-10 and you arrive before 10am so you can start working the busy rides right away before lines build you can fit everything in a day. Definitely takes some strategizing, though. 4. Lots. Blue Jays, Ripley's Aquarium, CN Tower, Hockey Hall of Fame, Legoland (right across from Wonderland), and more.
  11. Thanks for the photos. I've been curious about how it shaped up. My family wants to go.
  12. Double check the fine print of those FL+ tickets... if they are the same as mine (I bought them during a flash sale last summer) then they expired after labour day weekend. I went to use mine on Saturday that is when it was pointed out. They said the only thing they can do is refund it and then charge me the current cost of the pass $89ish. Luckily I had my family's season passes with me and none of them go on adult rides so I cashed in one of their FL+ due to my renewing our cards.
  13. You bought those from the flash sale last summer like I did. I used one but have one left and am going by myself to the park tomorrow to use it because I can't go the following weekend. Was hoping to go with someone but oh well.
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