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John Peck

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Posts posted by John Peck



    So we are here in Cali. and the place is on FIRE! Today I was scared for my life when we were a few feet from burning flames on the 91 east freeway on our way to Castle Park... which we never got to. SFMM closed today around 12 or so I was told and our trip tomorrow may be canceled.


    Other than that, Disney and Knotts were good. Xcellorator is down, but I can't get the seatbelt in the test seat... so no loss there anyway. Ghostrider beat up the wife... shame it jackhammers so much.


    The cruise was great as well.


    Anyway, not sure what else will occur on this trip, we'll see! We fly to Ohio Monday!

  2. ^ It's 8 days, begining tomorrow, but Im bringing workout clothes for the gym on the days out to sea. Plus, some of our excursions will get us excercise.


    If you and the Family-Tums get out to SFMM on Sunday on Nov. 16, Im hoping to wear my White LEGEND (Holiday World) shirt, so hopefully I'll see you guys!


    Anyway, Im off to bed, we fly out at 6:55am.

  3. Okay, so after keeping the diet strict, I was able to get on Raptor and Mantis and Mine Ride this weekend, so I hope I can stay fit enough after the cruise to be able to do Knotts and MM's rides.


    Has anyone been on the new Castle Park coaster yet?

  4. I'll definatly check the test seats I come across.


    To answer your Mantis question, I don't like it much, so I haven't ridden it in a few years, so Im not sure if I still fit on it or not.


    Any other Advice on things to do in the LA area that are "musts"?

  5. Thanks so far, keep em' coming! I didn't realize I put this in the wrong forum at first, sorry about that.


    I don't really have the "Gut" I've got Da' Butt. My mom's side has the "Pear" Shape and unlike my brother, I was cursed with it. Im a little worried about Riddler because I liked it, I've been on enough Batmen to not miss it.


    Shame about no test seats, thats a damper. Are there any other rides I may have trouble on? I know Xcellorator is completely out, but i rode it in 2002. I'm 4-5 inches from fastening the seatbelt on Dragster and 6 on Mill. Force, but I can ride Mavrick with that Over the shoulder restraint design.

  6. Hi TPR Folks! It's ol' John Peck here.


    The wife and I are taking a Mexican Riveriera Cruise which Ports out of San Diego and we decided to spend a few days after the ship gets back to enjoy some of the local parks. We are flying into San Diego, but driving up to LA and flying out of there.


    We have hotel reservations already with a great Travel Agent discount.


    I have been out to Cali. twice and have been to most of the parks. We are staying in the LA area mostly, so we won't be getting out to CGA or SFDK this time.


    Here are the obsticals I am facing at this point in my life:


    • I am currently UNEMPLOYED, but we booked this when I was working (non-refundable) and Im trying to stay on a strict budget. We are getting an 8-day cruise for $580 for BOTH of us. (Plus insurence and transfers)


    • Im big, tall and huskey... just recently I could not get on Raptor's test seat (Im trying again Sunday), but that ride doesn't have the big boy seat (duel seatbelt), which I can get on. I've been on a strict diet the last couple weeks as well, but Im sure the cruise won't help. I'm going to ask some restraint-specific questions.


    So, heres my plan....


    Our ship lets us off on Wednesday morning, the 12th, and Legoland is closed that day and so is Belmont Park, but I have been to both of them in 2002.... no biggie there. Sea World isn't an option either.. no coasters yet. Oh, and Pacific Park will only have the Ferris Wheel open this day, we've been there too. I was at Adventure City in 2006, so thats not on the list either.


    Wednsday 12: We are driving to the LA area and this is our questionable day. I looked into Universal, but its $54 with my wifes travel agent discount, and they only have 1 coaster. Plus, Im kinda waiting for Transformers. So Im not sure what to do this day. We may take this day and spend some time at Knotts.


    Thurs and Fri 13/14: Disneyland Parks.. Full Days


    Saturday 15: Knotts and Castle Park

    Advice: how small are the restraints on Pony Express & the Sidewinder, also what are the restraints like on the new Castle Park Spinner?


    Sunday 16: SFMM

    Advice: I can't remember, does Riddler have the front buckle? How tight is X? I've never been on it. Does Scream and Batman have the duel buckles? Will Collosus have the Psyclone trains on or will they put the Morgans back? What type of bar does the Morgans have (I forgot)? tatsu is another fear.. how much lee-way does that have for bigger riders? Is there a test seat? Whats the restraint like on Goldrush?


    Knowing how the lines can be, Im trying to spend as little time as possible waiting to not be able to ride.


    Other advice on SFMM: I wear glasses and have a strap, what are the rules there? What about a small camera around my belt loop? I dont take picts on the rides, but I don't want to have to check my camera all day.


    I have been there once (in 2002) so I know the park layout, but what would you suggest be my best plan of the day (ride capacity, etc)? Can we leave the parking lot and return without being charged again, or are food prices manageable?


    Are the lines decent on an off-season Sunday? They are open until 8pm.


    If any of you TPR folks may be there, it would be cool to meet you.


    Monday: Fly Back to Ohio


    So, as you can see, we are trying to use our time as well as we can, do you have any advice for the parks on those days? What things do you recommend we do as an alternative? Any dining options or show options?


    Thanks in advance, JP.

  7. My question, is what is happening with the old train? Both the boomerangs at Knotts and Wonderland have been the worst I have been on so far, it would be nice to have the older train make a new home at one of those parks. Unless they are just changing the bodies, I don't know how much the mechanics will differ.


    Also of note.... long before GL's closing announcement, their boomerang was to be repainted coral and light blue... I wonder if they shipped the paint to carowinds when they decided to not paint Geauga's.

  8. I think there are only a few of such cranes like that in the United States.


    I was hoping that they would put together the lift hill during the off season, so it would be more dramatic when i would see the park for the first time in the spring.


    Do you know what percentage of the footers are complete? I would guess they would want to have the entire ride done ready to test by early March

  9. Don't forget.. Voting for Obama will ultimately lead him into Reducing our Military, Allowing Congress to approve Millions of Dollars in Earmarks and allowing the country to go into another recession.. just like what Bill Clinton has done to us right now.


    Yes.. our Current economy is not caused by Bush.. this is Bill Clintons doing.


    Voting is a privelage...many don't even get the chance. In some countries.. they tell you who to vote for.. and if you don't... they put you in jail or kill you.

  10. My baby is an 1989 Honda Accord Lxi. It is my first car I ever owned, I bought it in 1998 when it was 9 years old.


    She currently has 207,700 miles on her.


    I hope to hold on to it for a good long while, but due to it's age I have had to put some work into it here and there. The last thing I replaced was the CV Joint and boot since it was shot.


    You may ask why I still hold onto a 19 year old car as a daily driver, and it's simple.. I'd rather put my money into real estate rather than buying cars more often and losing money on the depreciation.


    Here she is back in 2001. She has more rust and has been hit 3 times since the picture.


    1989 Accord Lxi

  11. ^ Yeah, I would go with something like Diamondback considering the eye on the KI site looks reptilian. But I think a more native-to-southern Ohio Poisonous snake may make more sense.


    3 Poisonous snakes live in southern Ohio:


    1. EASTERN MASSASAUGA also known as "Swamp rattler" or "black snapper"


    2. TIMBER RATTLESNAKE (Gee.. could they call it "Shivering Timber"?)


    3. COPPERHEAD (maybe this could be it)


    Here's a link to those snakes:


  12. ^ Time Warp was sold to the Schlitterbahn Kansas park for around $5,000. With that a few other Geauga Rides are being relocated there including the scrambler, Pirates Flight and Sea Dragon Ship.


    I would say that in the end, about half of Geaugas rides will have been relocated to Cedar Fair Parks and all in all, maybe 6 or 7 rides will be gone for good: Double Loop, Villian, Skyscraper, Haybaler, *maybe* RWB and Dipper.. depending on the outcome.

  13. There are many reasons....


    On most wheels you should have the weight as even as possible, and it's even more important on the older Eli wheels.


    Another depends on the line, you cant fill the whole ride up if your going to have redistribute the weight every few cycles because everyone has cycled through (the line gets shorter).


    Others are profitability, maintanence and labor, the more times you start and stop the wheel, the more you have to work, load people, put stress on the gears and brakes and wait for people to board and unload.


    Nowadays, in terms of operations, is that on the larger wheels, they will load about 4 cars at once, turn it to load the opposite 4 and then run the cycle. The less stops, the better revenue in the end even if more of the wheel is full.


    Thats why rides like the Sky Wheels are not as common anymore. The sky wheel could only load 2 seats at a time with a max of 3 people each, plus the ride took 2 trailers and with diesel running $4.50 a gallon, Sky Wheels will even be more rare now.

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