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Posts posted by dino

  1. Always loved "Nothing In The dark" with Robert Redford. Very sweet anti-climactic ending. Less of a twist & more of a realization.


    "16mm Shrine" is also very good, always seemed underrated to me. Then of course there are the classics like "The Masks" & "To Serve Man". To be honest though I pretty much think of all of them as classics haha.

  2. Never been into sports at all. The Olympics however is the one time I really get into them. The opening ceremonies were neat, but nothing too spectacular. Seems weird how they have the flame in the middle of the stadium though.


    Been watching whatevers being shown on the various NBC channels. Plus been watching online too. Love seeing the backstories for the various athletes, everyone's got a story. Enjoy all the sports but particularly gymnastics & track & field. Also looking forward to the Paralympic games. Those are always pretty cool too.

  3. Read The Hunger Games which I really enjoyed. Had no idea what it was about. Just waiting for my friend to finish it so we can watch it, if we can find a theater still playing it that is. Just finished reading All The Pretty Horses which has gotta be one of the best books I've ever read. Highly recommended. Now I just started The Crossing which is the sequel.

  4. Just finished reading then watching "Matchstick Men" & "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas". Both of them very good. In the queue for "Hunger Games" from the library at the moment. Currently 80th in line after requesting it a month ago when I started out at number 857. My friends offered to buy it for me since I told them none of them could watch it till I read it. I told them no though cause, I'm just stubborn like that. Till then I'm going to read "All The Pretty Horses".

  5. Am I the only one playing skylanders? I guess it's targeted to a younger demographic, but it's just so much fun. Plus the way the action figures work with it make it really cool. Kind of a gimmick I guess, but it worked for Pokemon. Just makes you want to collect them all.

  6. Went with my brother to pick up Mortal Kombat a little earlier. Umm awesome! Exactly what it should be. Shang Tsung even does an homage to MK vs DC with his fatality. It seems like the characters get more personality with their fighting styles, plus I love the tag-team style gameplay. *thumbs up*

  7. Spot on Review!

    I went last night with some friends after our plans for HHN fell through & we were all pleasantly surprised. I didn't mind waiting a bit longer in order to have the groups spaced out. I got to say one of the things I loved though was that from the time you entered a maze till the time you exited. It was pretty much just you & the scareactors. Maybe not a big deal, but I liked the fact that there wasn't an usher in every other room with a flashlight saying,"keep on moving". It really keeps you in the..."mindset" of the maze.

  8. My mom surprised me yesterday with some Frankenberry! So awesome that she found them since we were unable to find them last October. I've never really been a Count Chockula person myself, but I've always loved Boo Berries & especially Frankenberries. Just another reason that October is my favorite month .

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