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Everything posted by coasterphotos

  1. Sorry...was a busy weekend and I forgot to post here....of course updates can always be found on my site when I get new photos. We had a lot of rain here the first 1/2 of last week including wind gusts of nearly 60mph in the area so the construction area is all muddy again and they probably lost about 3 days of work. At least nothing blew over! Overview of the construction site More of the structure near the lift has gone up
  2. The nice weather in the Houston area has continued and construction is moving right along. Lift hill continues to rise.
  3. From Friday evening: A lot of progress has been made over the last week. The lift hill continues to rise
  4. The lift hill has started to rise and the banking on the turn through the middle of the structure nearest the water is now obvious as well. More photos with different angles at my site. Nice banking on the track through the middle of the structure. The lift hill rises.
  5. With all the rain we've been having I doubt it'll be ready for Memorial Day weekend...but I guess anything is possible. There has been no announcement of any sort of projected opening date. Progress as of 2-17-07
  6. A couple photos from yesterday. As usual, more in the gallery on my web site: www.coasterphotos.com Construction of the structure for the station appears to have started.
  7. I think it'll be a great ride. It certainly doesn't have to be fast to be a good ride. One of my favorite wooden coasters only goes 45mph... Cornball Express at Indiana Beach.
  8. Well, the forecast was for sun and clear skies today. I got tired of waiting for it so I went and took a few pictures while it was cloudy. More photos in the gallery on my site. Mmmmm..... Progress as of 02/04/2007
  9. Gravity Group has an animation they were showing at IAAPA but I don't think there is one available on the web anywhere.
  10. j Yeah...someday...don't have the time for my site like I did a few years back. I haven't heard anything official about extra support because of the hurricane threat but I'm sure it'll be asked this weekend at the ACE Winterfest event in Galveston. If it isn't asked, I'll make sure to ask it myself! We should be having guests from Kemah come talk about the new ride.
  11. Photos of the rest of the Boardwalk can be seen here: http://www.coasterphotos.com/maingallery/v/Kemah/general/ Photos of the rest of the rides can be seen here: http://www.coasterphotos.com/maingallery/v/Kemah/rides/
  12. Maybe one day we'll see the sun here in the Houston area again...but for now here are some more cloudy Boardwalk Bullet photos. A different angle showing all the land clearing that has taken place (this used to be a parking lot and a small grassy area) Quite a bit of progress has been made since last week
  13. I believe it's the section of track that will be to the front of the station...as in you'll leave the station looking at the section that is currently going up before turning to go up the lift.
  14. Here are some photos from today. More from today can be seen in my photo gallery. A sign announcing the ride is finally up. A section of the structure gets lifted into place
  15. Hey Jason, You know I don't mind people linking to their own sites on here....but uploading a couple of pics as a teaser might be a nice gesture! --Robb Okay...can do. Here are a couple from today, more can be found in my gallery. A close up of one of the paths the ride will take through the structure. The first section of the ride to be built is coming along nicely. There are currently 3 areas where track will pass through this section.
  16. The entire area around Saltgrass is western themed. The train ride also goes through a western themed tunnel under Saltgrass during the final part of the ride. This area of the boardwalk is named "Saltgrass Junction". http://www.coasterphotos.com/maingallery/v/Kemah/general/Kemah_Boardwalk-010107-5.JPG.html There are a bunch of western themed games as well, but that area is currently blocked off due to the construction of the coaster.
  17. If you are interested in following the constrution of this ride, I'm making weekly photo updates at my site: http://www.coasterphotos.com/maingallery/v/Kemah/2006/ Once it stays light out later I may make a mid-week update as well. For right now, I try to update on either Sat or Sun each week. Just added new photos today. Jason
  18. "Tourist Trap" Not really...more of a local destination than a tourist destination. Not sure how to type this...but I'll try: Key-mah
  19. Kemah Boardwalk wasn't built as a "park", it was originally built for food and shopping...they've just started adding more rides in the last couple years. Kemah Boardwalk and the surrounding area has a much larger draw for it's shops and restaurants. I seriously doubt they are trying to make themselves a tourist destination that someone in a far away state says "Oh! Let's go there!". In an interview in Amusement Today, Tilman talked about expansion and building a roller coaster Houston could be proud of. He's all about giving people in Houston something to do with AstroWorld being gone. Local hangout or not...they draw over 3 million people a year. I live pretty close and go visit quite often during the summer as they have live music on the weekends and had fireworks every Friday in June and July this year and June the year before. They host a ton of special events...some so popular that it's nearly impossible to find any parking in the area. They have 3 large surface lots and a 4 story parking garage...which is all free. Anyways...pretty excited about this since it's only 5 miles away. Found a bunch of hits from this site in my log files (someone posted a link to my photos). Oh...and last I checked, I wouldn't consider Lubbock and Amarillo the Texas Hill Country....it's pretty dang flat up there Jason
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