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Everything posted by lordfarquad

  1. You got me excited, i thought it would be like an actual 3d model of the inside ofthe haunted house, not just the exterior as a box
  2. They changed the tents to black? Good call, I was laughing when i went through PUTS at 6 45 with sun shining in. But how could you rate dungeon of terror above RUN?
  3. I went last Weds., and it was not THAT bad, but it was surpriseigly crowded. There were a few 45-60 minute waits here and there, but we got to hit all the 20-30 minute houses and go to PUTS and Psychopath twice at the end for no wait and i got hit by the damn shotgun
  4. yea you were running around and were really into it, nice job man!
  5. Well i contradicted myself, i got scared badly once by the scream guy, do you work around 11:00?
  6. Well i went to HHN last night, and i must say, this years event is far worse than last years. The setting at US did not really affect it as much as i thought, but it seemed there was so much wasted space. The scare zones were so small! and not scary. And the houses were not as good as last years, to me at least, but still good. RUN: Hostile Territory- This is by far the best house in there, they got me numerous times and continously! The whole gore and blood thing, cutting people and stuff, the incredible detail, it was the best house. But no Eddie... Dungeon of Terror- Bypass it, your not missing anything. There was a total of like 5-6 scareactors in the whole thing too. PUTS: Under Construction- as many people said before, it was way to light for a helmet! And only the guy with the helmet gets scared alot. Plus the description misleads you . The end was good though. P.S: Watch out for the shotgun! I got hit. Psychopath- This was in a tent behind MIB, so we kept calling it a haunted tent. I could see the top of the tent too at places, letting in plently of light because it was the first house we hit. The blending with the background and vortex thing was completely retarded, i expected more. Screamhouse- Overall a good house, but they should try to stop making 10 clones of the Caretaker, kind of ruins it. The greenhouse was way too real, and the bride thing got me pretty good. Second best house. Psychoscarepy- I expected more from this, since it has Jack (who was there in about 3 places!). Overall it came out to be one of the worst houses, but good team scaring. All Nite Die-In: Take 2- From all the reviews I have read, this one seemed the best, but, it was not all that great. I did not get scared ONCE in this house, but it seems other people were getting it pretty good. The scream guy got me good! Scarezones were not that great. Infact, horrible. HOTS was the best one, but too small. Overall im disapointed with this years event.
  7. Thanks! Were there any review threads of the houses and stuff?
  8. I searched for about 10 minutes and got nothing, lol i know how to use a forum. Possibly the thread is named something different...
  9. Could someone direct me to last years HHN thread please? Im just wondering about some things. The 2005 thread. Thank you.
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