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PKI Jizzman

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Posts posted by PKI Jizzman

  1. On 5/27/2023 at 2:49 PM, CedarFlags said:

    I just don't understand why coasters from the same manufacturer, with the same trains and restraints, have different requirements.  And different by such a miniscule amount.  As a tall rider, it's incredibly frustrating to sit in the test seat and fit with plenty of room to spare, but still be unable to ride.  Worse than that it when rides with no maximum height get one added later on.

    Other thing:  What's with the 12 passenger trains?  That's insane to me for an attraction of this magnitude to have such limited capacity.  Unless the park is aiming for 60 second dispatches or something.

    From the moment I saw the layout I was wondering how a 4 car train would maneuver through the course. The 3 car train seems like it was part of the plan from the get go. Just my observation. 

  2. I wouldn't recommend the VC or Hagrid SRL to TPR readers. If you truly don't care where you sit and can get in the SRL right when it opens/reopens for VC, sure go for it. You still don't have a great idea of how many people are waiting beyond the locker room and could get end up waiting just as long as the regular queue.

    Hagrid's SRL seems to be uncapped lately. Like, extending out of the building down the stairs almost to the first section of ramps beyond the main archway entry. Have all the Hagrid SRL as you want🤪

    Operators are very vocal about how the SRL: has no estimated wait time. you will not have any seat preference. you will not sit with someone else you got in line with. Sadly most guests think it's an express-like hack they learned from socials. 

    Meanwhile since Spring Break/East crowds, I've experienced VC many times with a 20-40 minute via the regular queue as well as Hagrid 45-60 minutes (even on the weekends). 

    I do recco SRL for Forbidden Journey, MiB, Transformers, SpiderMan, River Adventure, and Hulk.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, RideThroughTime said:

    The biggest piece of the 50th were the (really great!) shows, and unfortunately they almost all ended on either August 14 or 21. The only one left is Fun, Fireworks, and Fifty which only runs during 10 p.m. closes.

    I did follow some reviews about the shows/Phantom Theater, looked like a nice compliment to the ride and the park. I wasn't able to stay into the evening so I didn't get to see the fireworks show, but I did watch the official video when I got home! Looked really nice! 

  4. I had a great day dodging storms at KI today. Outside of the beer and food options for the 50th anny, I didn't really feel like there was this huge celebration going on.

    The park has a massive dead space from Orion to Beast; Antique Cars is the only attraction of note there and its nostalgia is wearing off tbh. There's nothing to do. No, no one is spending $ on the big games from the 70s still standing there taking up most of the space in the area.

    Beast is SMOOTH! No I don't believe any trims are different but the way they bumped up the entry intro the first curved tunnel perhaps that zaps the speed to the 2nd lift. Definitely not as aggressive but love the 2nd lift and helix, still legit. 

    I am willing to pick row 18/back row over front row Beast which would usually be unheard of. Great work on Beast and I'll bet 100 bucks this coaster goes on for hundreds of years to come. They'll just keep it going. Beast for life. 💖

    Orion front row is the spot! Relentless. 

    Mystic Timbers tried to take off my shirt every ride lol but god the operations were slow. Getting stacked outside of the shed in the rain is not fun ha!


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  5. 4 hours ago, RailBlazer said:

    Have you ridden it this season?  It has been running the fastest it probably ever has and I am not exaggerating.  A new control system was put in and the chain does not slow as the train goes over the top of the lift.  And the mid course brakes have been light to non exsistent.  I had a ride a few weeks ago in the evening and could not believe the final hills.  The reviewer here said the last stretch "wasn't that great."  I usually ride in the third row or even second row and get great air on those hills.  The change has made many people enjoy that ride so much more.  I hope it stays that way.  Two train ops started yesterday and it appears that it was still running about the same, as I saw empty trains heading back as fast as full trains used to, if not faster.  

    I wish I could visit this year, I visited October last year. And it was packed for Haunt! 

  6. 11 hours ago, thrillseeker4552 said:

    Falcon's Fury and Cobra's Curse were closed. Sky Ride still hasn't reopened yet. I have no idea about the train.

    I will fully admit that my perspective is skewed because if a couple rides are closed, I just think "oh I can do those next time." People traveling afar to visit the park and are hoping to hit all the rides would be more upset that FF and CC were closed, so I get that. But even from a crowd management/general operations perspective, I've never really had a poor experience. Some days are better than others, and of course I'm not trying to discount anyone else's experiences. Let's just say I spent two days at the Disney parks a few weeks ago and that was way more of a frustrating, stressful experience than any of my days at BGT, SWO, or even Universal.

    As a new local I get, I visit the parks on the weekends and more so BGT exclusively weekends. Wish I had some more of your luck at BGT haha. But it's annoying that peak summer they still don't have the park fully operational and that the Giraffe Rooftop restaurant is dead and gone.

  7. 15 hours ago, tndank said:

    They have a $5 spin the wheel game now for Front of the Line passes.  Spin and land on a ride.  Players choice, Orion, Banshee, Monster, etc. I like this idea for some reason.


    They first brought that out in 2009 for Diamondback's opening year and it lingered and bounced to Firehawk, fun to hear it's back around. It's the only game where you win something of value lol

  8. 12 hours ago, thrillseeker4552 said:

    I am convinced that the Busch Gardens I see people report on the internet is completely different than the Busch Gardens I visit. I showed up this morning, a summer Saturday, at 9:45am (10am opening) and breezed right through security (multiple lanes open). Longest line today was Cheetah Hunt which was posted at 70 minutes but was actually only about 50 minutes. 4 trains and both stations running with semi-decent dispatches. Iron Gwazi was also barely outside the station queue once the morning rush died down. Multi train ops on everything and we had a blast.

    Even if today was a fluke, I guess I get lucky? I visit this park every 3-4 weeks and exclusively on weekends-only due to my job schedule (mostly Saturdays too) and I've always had an awesome experience. I don't think I've ever seen one train ops on anything during the weekend. I don't really know. I must live in an alternate reality? I absolutely love this park.

    This post  + the fact that the pretzels were really good last visit gives me hope but I haven't seen that BGT yet.. Was Falcon's open? Sky ride? Was the train running 1 or 2? 


  9. I'd bet the B&Ms are toast, from 1991 and 1993. They're short, not on flat ground.. and 30 years old. 

    The park has a stunning background and looks great, Gold Striker is a top tier GCI in my opinion, it will be missed. 

    The surrounding area is what really puzzles me. Yes there's Levi stadium right there but then the rest of the area is office park after office park and we know how quickly those are disappearing with remote work. Curious to see what comes of this.

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