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Posts posted by TheGrayGirl

  1. That is one of the best PTR's I have ever seen!

    I have been working on a project for Day of the Dead for Spanish class pretty much all afternoon, and while taking a break I stumbled across this, and I am happy I did!


    The altars are amazing, and the concept of the holiday is so simple, yet so touching.


    Thank you so much for sharing this special day with us!

    It is awesome to see something you have been studying in such vivid, breathtaking photos!!!

  2. This topic is too funny!!!

    As a girl I say natural. They look more attractive, and as soemone mentioned before,if there are any complications you run the risk of losing your god given boobage also, and I don't care who ya are...that's not hot!!!

  3. Not sure if these movies are disliked, or if people just don't know about them so they get skeptical, but I love

    Mean Creek

    Swimming Pool


    Love Me if You Dare


    There are a ton more, but I can't think of them right now.

    BeemerBoy,I also love 12 Monkeys, Brad Pitt is CRAZY in that movie!!!!

  4. I hate when you go shopping, find something really cool...then you cant find your size.

    Or when you see something you really want but want to wait for it to go on sale, then when it finally does, they run out of your size or you are broke...

    Maybe that doesn't happen to guys a lot?

  5. Oh, man! I am really sad to hear that this place is going 'down hill'.

    I have great memories of going there with cousins and having a blast!

    I have passd by it while on Orlando trips, and always wanted to go back, but now it looks like I may not get a chance...

    I absolutely love the Buzz Light year bumper cars!!

    I hope that y'all decide to go and check it out, just reading everyones own memories brings back a few lol moments.

  6. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any unofficial websites/forums for PKI,Dollywood,Cedar Point...really just any that you know. I am planning a few trips and I have been able to find one for Carowinds, but no others!



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