Well, no show passes were for sale on the two most recent days I attended the park - Wed and Thurs this week. No reason was given; but I really did not search one out as the older couple trying to buy "Branson Belle" tickets took about 20 minutes to select their seats and buy their tickets, by that time I had lost my will to live.
It turns out the wait times for the shows were not too horrible. The weather was very warm, so no hot wassail for me. Got my cider from the apple butter shop as usual. One thing is for sure, it is definitely rider season at the park. I got down to Outlaw run about 10:45 am and the queue timer said 0 min wait I saw a train with 2 people on it and no one in line. I bet I saw no more than 150 people under the age of 45 all day long. Over 50 years old, I bet the ridership drops pretty quickly. The exception is the Train it was mostly full every trip I saw.
Good relaxing trip. Overall my 3 trips down to the park this year were very good. If you are going more than two days a year to the park the seasons pass is a true bargain. My six days at the park this year were only $17.72 per day. A pretty good deal.