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About Kazuki

  • Birthday 03/10/1990

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  1. PC PS2 SNES Gameboy Color I'm not much of a gamer
  2. Last month at Alton Towers on Rita my mate managed to pull the restraint down so that his head was where his arm was ment to be. So he was basically locked with his cheek resting on his shoulder. So they had to unlock the whole train so he could get himself sorted out. It may not sound that funny, but it was at the time. The ride ops were laughing.
  3. I was once scared of virtually all coasters until at DisneyLand Paris my Dad managed to get me onto Space Mountain (i'm pretty sure i didn't realise it was a coaster). Since then i've never had a fear. Me and my mates went to Alton Towers last month. One of my friends was scared of coasters. However we got to the entrance of Nemesis and even though he didn't really want to go on it he did. Now he'll go on anything.
  4. I believe I waited 80mins for air at Alton Towers the first time I rode it. So not too bad.
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