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Posts posted by roasted_marshmallow

  1. Hey all!


    My sister is taking her family and I to Southern California for Halloween this year. We'll be there from October 24th until November 3rd. I'm just wondering what Halloween themed goodies will be happening at this time, what are the best places to go for Halloween in the area, and whether or not TPR has any events scheduled around that time... You are the trip planning masters, help me out!


    I did do a search and apparently some of you went to Knott's Berry Farm for Halloween last year and it was okay... Is there anything that is a "Do Not Miss" event?



  2. Part of the reason that some people don't take everything in the Bible as the literal truth is because of the language it was written in. The Bible is almost 2000 years old now, and language has developed rapidly since then. If you asked someone 50 years ago what an MP3 was, they'd have no clue. The same can be said of the language used in the Bible. It had to be written in a language that could be understood not only by those writing it, but also those reading it 2000 years later. It's also part of the reason that translation is so hard. As language evolved, there became new meanings for different words, and different meanings for the same word. It becomes complicated. This is probably my biggest beef with those who believe in a completely literal translation of the Bible... and carefully neglect the words "Judge not lest ye be judged". They use it to point fingers when the main goal of being a Christian is to 'love the sinner, hate the sin'.


    Anyhew, yeah. That's why we can believe in both creation and evolution.

  3. I know this thread is about Fast Food Nation, but I wanted to comment on the Super Size Me comments...


    Does the average American really eat all three meals at McDonald's every day? Really? Likely no. Even when I worked in a mall with a McDonald's it was only once a day and at max, 5 days a week. That's 16 meals at McDonald's/week difference, and that's a lot.


    Also, a friend of mine decided he should gain weight... and decided to do it Super Size Me style. He lasted 3 days before he was vomiting and losing weight. He went from being a bit of a health nut to that, and that's the result. Couldn't even last a week. I just use that example to point out how extreme a diet change that really is, even if you sometimes eat McD's.


    Also, another person (this one a gym teacher in Edmonton) decided to do the Super Size Me diet... but didn't change his excercise habits. He didn't gain a pound. He did it to prove to his students how important excercise is. They also learned their lesson. You CAN eat fast food three times a day and remain healthy.

  4. I'm partial to Isabelle... Not Isabella, Isabelle.


    I also think Abigail Alvey would be cute and Jessica Alvey sounds too much like Jessica Alba.


    If not Abigail, just Gail works.


    You should just go to a dollar store or something and check out the crappy souveniers and see what names are on them....



  5. ^ You're absolutely right. Using a theme park analogy, PS3 is like building the next great B&M multi-looper. You'll have seen all the elements before, but this time a little bigger, a little longer, and a little faster.


    Where the Wii is like creating something unique and cool, like "Winjas." Not the tallest, not the fastest, but OMG it's so cool!!!!




    That's exactly the reason I want a Wii. I suck at gaming but I think I might be able to handle a Wii which will make it more fun.

  6. I never thought about the whole rubbing it in factor.........but then agian I probably should refrain since I know how irritated i was when my step-dad rubbed the steelers "handed-over" superbowl win over the good old seahawks.


    You think I could just use a passport and Driver's Licence instead of a birth cirtificate?


    Passport is more than enough, although you'll need your driver's liscence to drive!

  7. If you got out of the black hole that only Torontonians think is the centre of the universe, you'd realize you're sadly mistaken.


    Hehe. Well the sad truth for Flames/Oilers/Senators/Canadians fans is that Leafs nation does in fact out number the other teams.


    We're Canada's team in numbers wether the other teams want to admit it or not.


    But I think we've gone on enough of a tangent.


    You're right. Enough about the Leafs and 40 years of some of the highest ticket prices in the league, longest season ticket wait list, and longest stretch of futility... We won't comment how the number of Leaf fans is directly proportionate to the number of stupid people in the world... which far outnumber the smart ones. That's quite enough of a tangent.

  8. Yeah, but we're consoled by the fact that we'll always be Canada's main team even if we don't win a cup in the next century and all other Canadian teams with 10 each.


    It's nice to be in the centre of the universe.


    If you got out of the black hole that only Torontonians think is the centre of the universe, you'd realize you're sadly mistaken.

  9. Eye rolling smilies do not imply sarcasm, they imply the poster your comment is directed at is an idiot.

    And I'm fine with the Game 7 loss. Unlike Oiler fans, Flames fans don't live in the past. For your sake, I hope you aren't a Leaf fan....

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