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[RCT3] World of Adventures Family Theme Park

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Hello, i'm Casey Tear. I am the the manager of the now in progress Family theme park!

The Entrance plaza has been built, Construction team are ready to progress onto the new themed area. Which will be 'Old Thunder Ridge'.


We promise to give you the best family day out. With thrill rides, family rides and rides for the slower people out there. We will give some of the old classics such as


A Wave Swinger

An Old Huss Troika Ride. ( acquired from a traveling fun fair in Germany)


and many more!


The Ticket booths looking on towards the gates. Look at that Classic Ride there!


We like the way the old European building look has worked in the plaza.


And finally one last look at the Plaza.

The Lovely ride you see before you, is going to called 'Tilt-A-Wave'

In the Entrance Plaza, there are Information,souvenir and accessories stalls. Also Two Toliets on the right side from this angle.

We can also reveal the first coaster you will encounter in the park will be situated in the next area to be built. 'Old Thunder Ridge' Guess what the coaster will be.

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The New Area 'Old Thunder ridge' has been built, It is loosely Western Themed.


The Area consists of


Old Thunder Runaway Train




Wagon Wheel


A picture taken from the top of the Wagon Wheel. After this it rained heavily so everything came to a halt. We didnt want the park to look horrible in the rain so we take more pictures very soon. This is Old Thunder Runaway Train , A Powered Mine Train with purple supports to show its a family ride.

This is the only picture i have right now of the new area.


This is 'TNT' our Modified Huss Frisbee


This is our new Edition to The Entrance Plaza.





A view from the top of the Boomerang spike, The start of a new area!


Plus the shadow in the middle is the Convertibles. I have only just installed the CFR so i haven't changed any settings to stop this from happening.

Edited by Casey Tear
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Don't double post unless 24 hours have passed with no replies. Also, remember to include three pieces of media (screenshots, video, etc) per update. Anything less should go in the RCT3 Preview thread.

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Its a been a while! World of Adventures opened on march 14, 1993


With Entrance plaza, old thunder ridge and white knuckle corner all completed . The Park was ready for an opening season!


The Gates were ambushed at 10am!


The Boomerang was the one of most visited rides of the day!


As was the S&S Double shot 'Double Striker'

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