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Uni Orlando itinerary question


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I'll be visiting Universal Orlando with a two-day hopper on Thursday and Friday in early December. I'm expecting crowds to be pretty light and am fine with single-rider queues, so figure an Express Pass will be unnecessary.


So...now that HRRR is open, how does that affect traffic patterns at the Studios? I'm planning to hit HRRR first thing, first day, since I want to be sure to get a ride in. My other priorities are ROTM, Simpsons, and MIB (all of which I've already been on) and, of course, they're inconveniently ranged all around the perimeter of the park. What do you vets think is the most efficient way to hit all three after HRRR? Or, since HRRR is so close to the gate, would it be just stupid to then hustle over to IOA to hit Hulk and Spidey before the mid-morning crowds set in?

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You are correct, the Florida parks are very dead the first half of December. It is a great time of year, no lines and the weather is actually nice, not crazy hot! My best recommendation after hitting HRR, would be to head to The Simpson's Ride then MIB. Both of these are popular even during off season. (especially The Simpsons Ride). I think it is because they both appeal to the entire family. After those two attractions, continue on to Revenge of the Mummy. The wait should be pretty short (if any). After the Studios, you should be fine at IOA. Since Spidey, Hulk and Doom all have single rider's lines you should be fine. You have picked a perfect time of year to visit. You definitely won't need an Express Pass. Now if you were to visit between Dec. 23rd through New Year's, now that an entirely different story, stay far far away!


Hope this helps and have fun!



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