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Good Computer Build for NL2?

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I've been having issues with my computer running NL2. The most I can squeeze out of it is about 13 FPS. The computer I've been running it on is a 2009 HP PC that I got from a friend. It's obviously nothing special, just a basic home platform. It was never designed for any big games like this.


I have been looking into majorly overhauling it possibly to retrofit it with hardware that can handle the simulator better. Would it be worth buying say a new video card, processor, etc. to handle this software or would I be better off just buying a new computer? I don't want too spend an arm and a leg, yet I'm not trying to skimp out on stuff.


I can definitely provide its current specs at some point to gain opinions and possible upgrades I can do. My end goal is that I will be able to build bigger coasters and parks where I won't have to deal with lagging issues. As an engineer, this will also assist me while rendering in CAD programs so I can do more work at home. Thank you in advance!

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Here is my system's current hardware:


Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (very poor)


Processor: AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor (decent speed but only dual core)


RAM: 3.8 GB (probably needs upgrade)



As you can tell, it is a very simple computer made for home use only. Would I be better off getting a new one, or just upgrading to new hardware. I really want to be able to use NL2 without lag, even if it is a bigger park.

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I would personally just build a new one, but if you want to budget it, you could swap out some parts if everything isn't integrated. Surprisingly, the game only requires 2 gigs of ram, and a 2.4 ghz dual core. So what's slowing you down could be the graphics. If you have an open pci slot I would recommend getting a GTX 750 ti, which runs for about 129.99, though I have seen it go as low as 99.99. I have also seen videos of people putting one into a prebuilt computer.


Hope that helps.

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It's definitely the graphics slowing me down, it's probably the cheapest most basic card there can be.


Although my processor is only dual core, it gets 3 Ghz, which is a lot for that.


My only issue is that the video card is the only integrated part, so I think that I'll see what my PCIE options are, or just build one myself.

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