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Euro Trip 2010

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Hey all,


Not been doing too much this year ride wise due to setting up my new business venture however a few of us mad Brits are off to Europe in a couple of weeks stopping off at a few parks as we head for Oktoberfest.


If any of our European cousins are out and about at the parks look out for the BlueBuzzard shirts and/or baseball caps as that'll be us. Just so you know roughly where we'll be here's our itinerary :-


Saturday 18th September - De Efteling

Sunday 19th September - Toverland

Monday 20th September - Phantasialand

Tuesday 21st September - Day off driving down the Rhine and doing some site seeing

Wednesday 22nd September - Holiday park and onto Oktoberfest (400th Coaster will be ridden and it will be Olympia looping )

Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th - Oktoberfest

Saturday 25th September - Tripsdrill

Sunday 26th September - Europa Park


I know a few of you from TPR will be in Munich however I also know it's a huge event so if our paths do happen to cross it'll be good to say hi.

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