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Australian stop over?


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Robb i was wondering if your ever going to come to Australia to visit our parks. Maybe as a stop over to a Europe or Asian tour? We have three world class parks and 2 water parks


1. Warner Brothers Movie World - Movieworld has 3 coasters. Superman escape which is a lauched coaster and has so much air time that over half the ride ur ass wont touch the seat!. Lethal Weapon which is a Vekoma SLC with an extra helix before the first set of brakes. And Scooby Doo Spooky coaster which is a wild mouse coaster with a bit of a sotry at the start.


2. Dreamworld - Dreamworld has 2 coasters. Cyclone which is a basic looping coaster with a sidewinder and vertical loop. The other coaster is the Tower of Terror which is like Superman at SFMM but a higher tower and only one track. Dreamworld also holds a world record for the highest free fall drop ride! It's called the Giant Drop (you think they couldve named it a bit better?? lol) with over 5 seconds of falling time!


Dreamworld also has a water park adjacent to it. White Water world has a toilet bowl ride, funnel, wave pool, eight land octopus racer and a hydro-coaster!


3. Seaworld - Seaworld is a basica marine park with a corkscrew coaster that ISNT PAINFULL! and a couple of water rides.


A warning to any dirty minded people about to read on...dont look at the next paragraph!


4. Wet'n'Wild - W&W is a huge water park with almost 20 rides and slides, some of them are your average water park rides and some of them are really out there!!!


All of these parks are located within 50kms of each other and you can get a 3 park super pass for W&W, Seaworld and Movieworld for 14 days unlimited entry to the three parks. Dreamworld has seperate passes for their two parks.



Hopefully one day you will come visit australias wonderful theme parks!!! cheers!!!!





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personally i think luna park isnt worth the trip from the gold coast to sydney since they took the big dipper away or melbourne because the wood coaster there is the bumpiest wood coaster ever....i still have chiropractor appointments!

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While they're at it, they can also swing by NZ and get all three credits we have to offer! (the biggest of which is an Arrow Corkscrew), as Auckland is a major international hub for trans-Pacific flights.


There may be one or two more there too that are not listed on RCDB. There was a small one at what was once the Footrot Flats Fun Park in the late 80s/early 90s (now defunct). My younger brother got the credit, but I didn't!


The coaster at Luna Park in Melbourne is supposedly one of the oldest continuously operating coasters in the world

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personally i think luna park isnt worth the trip from the gold coast to sydney since they took the big dipper away or melbourne because the wood coaster there is the bumpiest wood coaster ever....i still have chiropractor appointments!


First things first. You weren't alive when they took big Dipper out.

Second, the Scenic Railway is the Oldest Roller-Coaster in the world, and is an ACE coaster classic, it is worth a trip to.

Third, why do you have at least 2 accounts. Or is it coincidence that there is a JJBoy 101 also from Australia.

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for your information i was here when they took the big dipper down because i have been on it about 5 times! and second of all why are you so concerned about me??? plus im older then you! Do something better with your life then doing backgroud checks on people. And about the scenic-railway, its just my opinion about it.

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I acknowledge that you are older than me. I acknowledge that your opinion is different to mine.


Could you please acknowledge that i was only stating my opinion. Could you also acknowledge that the only reason i know that there is another JJboy from Australia was because i used the search feature for similar topics to send you a link to.


Also: Cyclone is still at dreamworld, unfortunately.

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