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  1. ‘Twas my first visit to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, one of the biggest events in the city! Have been going to Houston since I was a wee little baby (family lives there), but haven’t been to the Rodeo before! They had livestock (cows, pigs, goats, rabbits, chickens, etc.), a rodeo show, some agricultural universities with booths (like Texas A&M and Texas Tech), a carnival, and more! Rides at the carnival were provided by Ray Cammack Shows (iirc they usually do carnivals and fairs in the Western United States like Arizona, California, etc.). We’re here! Cows Moooooo One of 4 Ferris Wheels on the midway Big scary roller coaster A look down the midway. I’m sure these rides are *totally* safe to ride! Another Ferris Wheel! Random Fun House thingy. Brrrrrr This ride barely had any patrons… but it was also raining off and on for most of the afternoon Your standard Gravitron ride (there was also another one by the name of ‘Centrifuge’) Ah yes this little bastard known as the Zipper Well, sorry kids! Looks like this ride’s closed! But you can always ride the Windsurf instead! I could’ve sworn this ride killed somebody before (haven’t they all? ) Well this is quite the surprise! Skee-Ball at the fair! Ice cream They had your typical assortment of carnival games. Pictured here is the pop the balloon game. I didn’t play any of the games though. Little Dipper but no Big Dipper Balloons! It’s not a fair without a Carousel! They also had a bigger one with 4-abreast seating (rode that one; skipped this one!). Yet another Ferris Wheel They had your typical sky ride/chair lift thingy but we didn’t ride it since it was raining off and on Whatever the hell this is… I’m sure your grandma remembers this ol’ carnival classic! They had your usual assortment of fun houses and not-so-scary dark rides; this one pictured here had an under the sea theme. They had another Carousel and Ferris Wheel in the Kiddie Land. Also pictured is a Wave Swinger with a circus theme. Cyclone Ladies and gentlemen! The one, the only: Dumbo! Mutton Bustin’ They had some other rides too like the big slide, a music express-type ride, and a log flume (who in their right mind would want to go on that in the rain??? ) That’s all, folks! Had a great time here and I’ll be sure to come back for another visit! (But preferably when it’s sunny! )
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