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About jazken

  • Birthday 11/18/1971

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  1. I need to get a theme park fix! (Gee, I sound like an addict). It's been a while since I've been to Disney or Knotts, so I'm heading down to one of them tomorrow. Which one I don't know yet. I have a Silver Pass to Disney so the cheapskate in me wants to go there (since it'll be free), but I haven't been to Knott's since 2000 and I'm dying to ride Xcelerator. Anyone want to join me? Looking for someone who's not a super geek, but is not so cool that they can't have fun. Not trying to offend anyone, but let's be realistic -- we have to spend the whole day with each other so might as well be up front now. Hit me up (or just reply to this forum) if you're interested.
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