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  1. So I should come clean here and say that my boyfriend is actually the one doing this (and the one who has the credentials). He didn't know I posted on here as I was trying to surprise him with some help. Apparently he has what's called a non disclosure agreement with a studio, so I wasn't supposed to say anything. If my original post can be deleted that would be great. Sorry for the confusion here - I was just trying to help him out.
  2. Hi everyone! I am a filmmaker who is looking to do a documentary featuring the wonderful world of coaster enthusiasts. I am in search of coaster enthusiasts with unusual stories to tell about their hobby! Have you traveled far and wide for your coaster fix? Have insanes amount of coaster swag? This will be filming next month. If you know anyone who fits this description or you yourself are a coaster fanatic please respond with your location (state and city are all that are needed) and what makes your different from the normal theme park goer. Thank you!!!
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