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  1. Why too much hate? No good thinks on park? What about hyperion? Zadra? There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between "hate" and reporting my experience. My experience with the park was "not good" and that is exactly what I've stated. I personally was not a fan of Hyperion, or I should say it fell below my expectations. I took 5 rides on it. 2 were good. The other 3 were some of the roughest, most "rattley" roller coaster rides I've had especially for a coaster that's almost brand new. I thought most of the park looked cheap and tacky, like a summer carnival made a permanent stop. I did say some areas looked better, yes, but even those were a "knock off." There is NO WAY anyone could look at that new area where Zadra is and deny that the park was just ripping off Wizarding World and Traon's Klugheim and it didn't look anywhere near as good as those. It's not "hate", it's just what my eyeholes saw. If you have a different perspective, that's fine. I also don't have to agree with it either. Who knows. Maybe on my next visit to the park my experience will be better and if so I'll happily report about that. It also comes to no surprise that the RMC is good. Have they made a bad ride? That’s exactly my thoughts on Energylandia. I wrote about it few posts higher. I can agree with you 100%, my experience with this park was the same
  2. So I was in the park yesterday and overall I need to agree with people that wrote that this park is kind of weird. I’ve been to a lot of European parks like Phantasialand, Hansa park etc. and none of them was that messed up like Energylandia. Park looks really cheap and everything is all over the place not mentioning millions of kiddy coasters, no trees and ton of random stuff. Like you are just standing there and thinking where the hell am I. Formula and the SLC are very mehh, should be advertised as family rides but Hyperion and Zadra are really top class coasters. Zadra in my opinion is for sure better, it’s the best coaster that I’ve been so far (before that Karnan was my fav) back row is crazyy, it doesn’t have any weak spots, it’s just truly an outstanding ride, it was the first coaster that after riding it few times I was still amazed how intense it was. But queue is even worse than Hyperion’s I think it takes about 8 min to walk it, like there is no end to it, really annoying not gonna lie. And can we talk about how theirs new area where the Zadra is, it looks like rip off of Klugheim. I went there and I was like damnn it looks exactly like this but worse, you can see when you are standing there that it looks way cheaper than Klugheim not that realistic and professional but still farrr better that the rest of the park tho. Honestly if not for Hyperion and Zadra I would never go to this park and I live in Poland (and yes it was my first time there) it’s just tragic, nothing makes sense there and the whole day I was just going between these two rides..I wayy more prefer other European parks
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