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Everything posted by sandiego28

  1. Sorta sad, but last night was the last night I’ll probably go to VF. I am a senior in high school and will be pursuing college next year in DC. VF will always have a place in my heart; I’ll always remember going there as a little kid and being absolutely amazed by the log flume. Haven’t decided on buying a season pass, yet. I don’t think it’s worth it if I’ll only have access to the park for two months.
  2. Sorta sad, but last night was the last night I’ll probably go to VF. I am a senior in high school and will be pursuing college next year in DC. VF will always have a place in my heart; I’ll always remember going there as a little kid and being absolutely amazed by the log flume. Haven’t decided on buying a season pass, yet. I don’t think it’s worth it if I’ll only have access to the park for two months.
  3. I second this, Valley Scare was terrible. I don't remember any fog or nearly the amount of monsters on the trails. Zombie High and Berseekers had very long lines; they were only letting in one group per 2 minutes. I believe that Carnevil managed to frighten a 5 year old. They had EXTREMELY BRIGHT lights lighting up portions of the park. Made riding Wild Thing suck as, on top of there being no fog, it was all lit up. They also had closed down the majority of the restaurants to get people to go to the $30 buffet. Does anyone know why they closed off portion of the walkways with orange fencing? Is it to slow people down? I was so confused by that.
  4. They couldn’t even expand a walk way with this addition? Seriously?
  5. Haha. I can’t wait to see the parade when only like 5 people are watching. How silly! I would rather them just put the money towards a new ride, rather than waste it on this.
  6. I predict another off year next year. Do we actually believe that Cedar Fair would invest in the MSP market? Our economy is a mixed bag. I'd think they'd focus on more stable markets...not the midwest!
  7. Preview night was a lot of fun. Only thing I’ll say is that the new brake on Steel Venom hurt my groin really bad. It felt like a vibrating hammer being shoved right into it. Maybe I was just sitting wrong because the old brake never did that. Anyways, I didn’t ride it again after that.
  8. Someone above said that “valley fair is isolated” true in the sense of public transportation but it is very close to the airport. In other words, it’s not isolated from the metro.
  9. Does anybody think anything will be changed after what happened last weekend...?
  10. Eh...about ValleyScare this year... The beginning ceremony was boring... I waited a hour and a half for Zombie High Undertakers? More like UNDERstaffed. Waited 50 mins for this one. (lol for the parallelism) MaSCAREade was quite boring...not scary...just acting Carevil was cool Mr. Cleavers Bloodshed was the same. Then lots of fights, with zero lights. all yielded for one heck of a fright. Surprised how ValleyFair has not prepared at all for an event like this. Saw a manager telling an employee that she had no clue what to do. All the lights were off during the evacuation, made it hard to see especially when people are pushing and shoving to get out.
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