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Everything posted by crw16

  1. i asked if there was any rumors. i am deeply sorry for asking a question. how dare i
  2. Anything on the 2020 rumor mill being its about a month away from unveils? Cant see them stepping on KI's giga but i assumed we'd see something for the 150th....
  3. Sounds like a perfect fit for Pittsburgh and Kennywood yea, what he said. Its not as if the parks surrounded by lush palms and crystal blue lakes. Have you seen Kennywood.... It sits adjacent to a highway/parking lot and atop the muddy Mon river across from a Steel Mill. Its perfect (for us).
  4. I live locally about 7 min from the park. Stay at the "waterfront area" at one of the places below. Anything and Everything surrounds the area. about 5 min drive to the park..... Hampton Inn & Suites Pittsburgh/Waterfront-West Homestead $136 2-star hotel 301 W Waterfront Dr, Homestead, PA 15120•(412) 462-4226 Holiday Inn Express Pittsburgh East - Mall Area5 $112 3-star hotel 658 E Waterfront Dr, Munhall, PA 15120•(412) 205-3904 Courtyard by Marriott Pittsburgh West Homestead/Waterfront $109 3-star hotel 401 W Waterfront Dr, West Homestead, PA 15120•(412) 462-7301
  5. Awesome,. great story. Im so happy for you and your son. Nothing beats that.
  6. Still closed. Its Motor sis still in Germany. Need re-built
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