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Posts posted by AGKoolAid

  1. Based on a video i watched, virtually the same as Hollywoods tram portion. They didnt even bother to alter the parking garage at the start (has the Jurassic Parking parking indicators, which makes sense in Hollywood since its literally right next to that garage).


    It looks like the same "plussing" that Skull Island did to King Kong 360. Small bonus at the start, same portion as tram, then small exit.


    Of course, not being there i cant make a definitive decision, but looks meh to me.

  2. I'm a little late at replying to this, but oh well.


    The pictures showing the disk-o were from a few days after I checked out the site. The disk-o wasn't there yet, so it was just recently delivered (as of the time your photos were shot). I'll be heading out there later this week, especially if track is on it's way now.

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