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Posts posted by SFMMXcoaster

  1. You choose a coaster and then you write a 10 or less word sentence that describes that certain coaster and the next person will do his own description and it will rhyme. Our first coaster will be X


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    Confused and disoriented, unique and thrlling...

  2. My friend got one for free and got MGS for it, graphics are so clear and the disk is like cool, has a protector on it... You can upload movies and music from your comp I hear. I maybe would get it over an IPod and a DS

  3. It says he chooses a guest to cut his veins, what makes u think the guest will agree to getting his veins cut... lol. Cant u make the maze go out a door that leads to your backyard? Knotts has i think the scariest haunt. Most mazes, and they have an Asylum maze. Theres an electric room thing with a body getting shocked, and theres a strobe light and stuff. Also theres the last room in that maze where theres beds and the audio is like eerie whispers and ppl acting crazy and a body hanging from the ceiling with a noose around its neck. http://www.themeparkadventure.com its halloween haunt.

  4. Know-it-all = RollermanDan who supposedly says only 50 ppl know and he's one of them. And he wont say a word about it! Any ride types u guys suppose? People are saying dualing flyers that are batman vs. superman which would be cool. I want S:TE to at least get some red and blue head choppers to make it seem faster and have some Superman look.

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