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Everything posted by bigbizkits

  1. I apprecaite everyone's suggestions. One thing I should have put in my first post was - we would really like to go to a park that has a decent amount of coasters (at least 5 adult freindly coasters would be perfect - although I may be dreaming). We could always go to two different parks assuming they are close enough - so we could leave one park - drive to a hotel close to the next park - and then get up the next morning to go to the second park (we did this for BG and Kings Dominion). I looke around a little and found the following: Dollywood: Looks like a very charming park, but only has 2 "real" coasters (Tennesee Tornado and Thunderhead). Lake Winnie: Park looks a little 'cut rate'. Only has 1 "real" coaster (Canon Ball). Visionland: Again, park looks a little iffy. Rob and Allisa's review pretty much says the park is lame. I tend to agree with most of the reviews they do. If we do a "two park" year again, I think we may try Dollywood as the smaller park. Thanks again for any suggestions.
  2. Ok, here's the deal. Every year (for the past 4) I get 3 to 5 friends together and we go for a 'guys coaster trip'. We are all mid 20's to mid 30's. Most of us are married (some of us have kids), and it's not always the same 5 of us (although I go every year). We generally go to a park for 2 days in the middle of a week near late June. We are pretty hard core about riding as many coasters as many times as possible (and riding all the rides in the park at least once). We sometimes will drink a few beers if the park allows (no drunkards, we are all family people just having good clean fun). Anyway, we all live in FL and we like to go to a park none of us have been to. This year, we need to do something as close and inexpesive as possible WITHOUT going somewhere we have alreayd been to. Besides all of the parks native to Florida, we have been to: year 1: Cedar Point year 2: SF over Georgia year 3: Kings Dominion and BG Williamsburg year 4: Carrowinds Does anyone have any suggestions? The closer to FL, the better (we may drive). Next year we are going to Six Flags Magic Mountain, but everyone is a little more strapped than usual this year. Typcially, the trips to places like Cedar Point costs each of us around $700.00 (for everything). Any input is most appreciated.
  3. I nkow you've had a million replieds already, but I live here in Orlando (like some of thos that replied). I have been there many, many, many times and I personally found this to be the plan of attack: First, go straight to The Hulk (as others have said). If you hurry, you should be able to ride it at least 2x before the line is long. Also, I highly, highly recommend riding front row the first time you ride it. Then back row. Additonally, Spider-Man is not a coaster, but one the best rides I have ever been on. It is unexplainable. If you really want to go straight to Dueling Dragons, keep in mind - it is on the opposite side of the park. The queue line for it is one of the coolest I have ever seen. I recommend riding both fire and ice. They are entirely different rides. Front row makes a huge difference on these, mostly because of the "appraoch scenes" to the other coaster (and the walls). I also recommend checking out: -Jurrasic Park Rive Ride -Dr. Doom's FearFall (upward launch "drop tower") ...and if you have time, check out the show over at The Lost Continent (used to be called Posieden's Fury or something like that). Also, the water rides on toon Lagoon are fun......and I know you said you don;t have any interest in Cat in The Hat - but if you have time, it's worth 1 ride just for the theming. As with nay park, don't go to lunch at "lunch time", that's when all the lines are potentially shorter. -Hope I didn't repeat too much of what you already read. Have fun!
  4. Actually, I live in Orlando and went to the park for the first time this weekend. They have already changed/fixed a lot of the stuff from these pictures (rides no longe on trailers, folding seats replaced by permanent benches, etc...). The park is actually one of the best around here for youger kids. Universal has nothing really for kids and Disney is in need of a major overhaul. Truth be told, Cypress Gardens does seem a little "low budget", but I think they had a tight deadline to open - now they will continue to "upgrade" things and add new rides (like the new coasters that are coming).
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