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Everything posted by Ryan.B

  1. Ok, Seen contrasting views on what queues are like at Liseberg in late August, so thought I'd ask here. Going on 28th August (A Sunday) And the park is open for 11:00 - 22:00. Obviously with them opening hours I'll be able to get on all the thrill rides (Coasters, Atmosfear, Mechanica and Aerospin). Is there anything else that's a must do, considering I want to be getting a decent amount of re rides on the coasters! It seems to be the after Summer Holidays in Sweden, and over here in the UK the weekends right after the holidays are usually quiet due to everyone visiting in them. Is it the same case at Liseberg? Thanks!
  2. How about one that shows you the back of the ride you are on, a rear facing camera. The backwards one would be interesting, and it would definitely work! I tried Galactica backwards the other day by the way, it does a really good job of convincing riders they are going backwards. Something different for people to try anyway, and that's probably the closest you can get to the rear facing camera suggestion at the moment!
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