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Posts posted by Krikey

  1. I personally think it's awesome they are doing whatever this is to The Legend. Yes it's always been an amazing coaster, but when you look at doing any MAJOR changes to any of the three woodies it seems like the wise choice. The Raven is almost historical in significance. It's a symbol of a large shift in the park towards what it is today. It's what helped get the park to where it is now in terms of coasters.... It helped put them on the map. The Voyage was Will's last. It was his baby all the way. It broke all the rules. Again it symbolizes a major shift forward for the park. It brought us a whole new holiday with some amazing rides and really excelled the park forward. It would be hard to go back and make any major major major changes to those two... Aside from track work or adding a small element here or there. However I believe The Legend was kind of Leah's baby. Wasn't it a birthday gift of sorts to her? And also symbolizes her being the "middle" child? (I think it's Leah, might be her sister, they are both so awesome it doesn't really matter). I could SO see her making her own special mark with this ride and making it really something very very special (not that it isn't already but you get the point). Honestly I can't even begin to guess what they would be doing to it. Last year oddly in some respects it was a bit easier to guess. We pretty much all agreed it was going to be a coaster of some kind and that it would be steel. This year all we have is a "wish list" from the coaster cats, a photo of so,e track being lifted away, and a strong hint at a new element somewhere on something. You really have to hand it to Holiday World... We all thought we would get very very minor improvements this year, none of us thought they would have us guessing.... Yet another year in a row... As to what the heck is going on. Only Holiday World can get the theme park lover community excited like this, about something like this. I have ZERO worries that whatever they are doing it's going to be awesome for them, the guests, and their fans. I'm just here for the amazing ride they put everyone on! (Pun intended) and am incredibly thankful they always always always make their fans apart of the excitement and fun.


    Jeez man, a bit too much fanboying, per se? Holiday World does a fine job with their park, but they do make mistakes and not everything they do is a good decision. For instance, adding the trim brakes on Voyage earlier this year was not something that would be deemed "awesome" by Holiday World's fans as they essentially neutered what used to be one of the greatest wooden coasters of all time.

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